
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月30日 17:08   沪江英语

  6.Spending evenings on campfires


  This may be attributed to summer days where evening campers enjoy being on the outdoors, singing songs encircled on a bonfire. It could be an ideal setting, but you can also do the same thing in the fall. Make sure however, that you wear your cold clothing such as mittens, scarves, and beanies while enjoying this evening activity with family or friends。



  7.Make pickled vegetables


  At the time of the year where most fruits, root crops, and vegetables are picked, it has been a tradition to pickle some crops and preserve it for the colder times of the year, such as in late autumn to the rest of the winter season. The most famous pickles are made of cucumbers. They are usually soaked in vinegar, chili peppers, and in sugary brines. Other veggies and fruits such as carrots, celery, beets, cauliflowers, and others can also be used。



  8.Raking leaves


  As the temperature drops down, leaves on many trees are falling down. As these leaves fall, people find cleaning this mess, a tough job to do. Others are quite upset as this yearly stress, while there are a few that looks at this time as having fun. Kids and those who are young at heart would rake these leaves as hard as they could. And when they have finished their choice, which is sometimes a father and son affair, they both lie down on the leaves for a few minutes, feeling the fruits of their labors。



  9.Fly a kite


  Aside from the cooler temperatures, another natural gift that is enjoyed in this season is the generous blow of wind experienced at any time of the day. With winds blowing strong at early afternoons to early evenings, it provides the perfect setting for flying kites of different sizes, styles, and colors. You may spend it with your kids and other family members, spending some quality time. You will not worry with burning your skin all afternoon, as the breeze is cold and cozy。



  10.Boating or kayaking


  It may be unlikely to stretch some time to spend moments on the water in autumn, but many sailors actually recommend doing some boating or kayaking at this time of the year. Others may think of fog, but staying on water while the sun shines is perfect because of the crisp cool air being felt on the atmosphere. Also winds are much reliable and stable, which makes the season very hot for power boaters。


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