求职必备宝典:如何写出吸引眼球的简历Many of the old-school rules and much of the conventional wisdom when it comes to resumes is either outdated or was never really on target to start with: 许多学校提供的如何写简历的法则,以及一些传统的观点,要么就过时了,要么没有切中要害。比如: You should never have a resume of more than one page。 简历不要超过一页。 List your hobbies。 罗列你的爱好。 Include a statement and summary of your "goals and objectives." 陈述和总结一下你的目标。 Keep the document dry and professional。 让你的简历看起来简洁、专业。 The problem, according to professional resume writers, is that much of this advice establishes a cookie-cutter formula that makes it hard for your own document to stand out。 在简历专家看来,这些建议会让你的简历看起来千篇一律,毫无特色,无法出众。 Among the mistakes experts single out: showing only your job descriptions without accomplishments; one-page, brief resumes for people with considerable experience; using small font size and abbreviated descriptions to fit into one page; listing hobbies, interests and personal data; placing references directly in the resume; courier font, unusual fonts and "fancy" formatting; explanations of "reasons for leaving" previous positions; and lying, exaggerating or misrepresenting your credentials and accomplishments。 简历专家指出常见错误有:简历中往往只写上工作岗位描述,而没有相关成就;“一页简历”的潜规则导致应聘者即使经验丰富,简历也十分简洁,有时还不得不缩小字体,缩短文字,以免超出一页;罗列兴趣爱好,个人信息;在简历中直接放上推荐信;使用courier字体,或者其他不常见的字体,采用花哨的排版;絮叨之前辞职的原因;作假,夸大或者篡改相关证书和成就。 What does work: showing your accomplishments for each job description; including email and Web addresses; highlighting special projects and assignments; and creatively presenting entrepreneurial activities。 行之有效的作法是:在每个工作岗位后加上你的成就;在简历中写上邮箱地址和网址;强调特殊的项目以及任务;用创意的手法呈现企业活动。 网友评论