悼念乔布斯:iSad 我悲伤(图)iSad 我悲伤
iSad. That was the reaction of many as millions took to the web with the news of the death of 56-year-old Steve Jobs。 iSad(我悲伤)。这是数百万人听闻56岁的史蒂夫•乔布斯去世的消息后,在网上发布的悼念信息。 Facebook and Twitter messages were filled with links and anecdotes about the impact technology -- and more specifically, Apple -- had on users' lives。 脸谱和推特上也满是讲述科技(更确切地说,苹果公司)影响用户生活的经历和链接。 Jobs' death jolted a generation that has never known a world without a cellular phone, and it elicited reactions from those who watched Apple grow from a Silicon Valley garage startup in 1976 to today's leading tech company。 乔布斯的离世让这一代从出生就习惯有手机的年轻人震惊;同时也唤起了一代人的记忆,他们亲眼看着苹果1976年从硅谷的一个车库起步,一步步发展成为今天的领先科技公司。 网友评论