
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年10月12日 10:57   沪江英语


  由于Priya回国,Leonard和Priya不得不开始远距离恋爱,Sheldon竟在一旁瞎捣乱(看来Sheldon还是比较喜欢Leonard的前女友呀). Penny在楼下捡到一个沙发,洁癖的Sheldon想尽办法想让Penny把沙发给扔了,最后沙发里果然有不明物体……

  1. But if you did, you’d open yourself to peer-based mocking, such as, “hey, Leonard, how was your dinfast with Priya last night, Dinfast。”不过你要是真这么叫的话,你肯定会被大家笑话,别人肯定会说莱纳德,你昨晚跟普丽娅的早晚餐吃的好吗?早晚餐(带着嘲笑的语气,或者学Sheldon翻个白眼效果更佳哦)!

  How was…? …怎么样? 如how was your day?你今天过得怎么样?


  2. Listen, I don't want to be rude, but Priya's gonna be calling any minute, so.。.我不想无礼,可是普丽娅随时都会打来,所以…

  当你说的话可能会冒犯到别人时,就说I don't want to be rude,或者no offence, 或者with all due respect

  3 I bet you could give him a run for his money。我认为你可以跟他一比高下

  a run for (one's) money :Strong competition。竞争激烈

  give someone a run for their money有“钱花得值得”的意思

  The travel agent promised to give the tourists a run for their money. 这位旅游代理商向游客们保证让他们玩得开心,钱花得值得。

  4 You know, some people might say that it's great that we're trying to make things work long distance. They'd say things like, "Love is stronger than the miles between you"。很多人都说我们保持异地恋是件很不了不起的事,爱情不会输给距离。


  5This little baby set the university back 175 grand。这宝贝可花了学校十七万五千美元呢

  set back除了常表示“推迟;使…受挫折;把…往回拨”之外,还有“花费”的意思。



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