
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年10月13日 10:13   沪江英语



  1. Leonard, please. I don't need the running commentary。拜托,我可不需要现场解说。

  2. I've been told sometimes I overstay my welcome。有人说我有时待的太久,都闲我烦了。

  3. That's pretty big talk for a man with a closet full of magic tricks at his mother's house。这大话从一个和母亲住在一起,满衣柜放着骗人小把戏的人嘴里说出来,真是笑死人了。

  4. Well, you can add Jerry's Junction to the list of train stores Sheldon Cooper will never set foot in again。你可以把Jerry's Junction玩具店列为小谢我永不踏入的火车玩具店之一了。

  5--Rough night, Casey Jones?

  --You don't know the half of it.--今晚很不爽吗?Casey Jones?(美国英雄铁路工程师)


  6. Frankly, after all your sleepovers with the little brown boy, a girl is a big relief!老实说,那个棕色小伙儿来过夜多次以后,你也终于带来个姑娘,总算让老娘松了一口气!

  7. You're not exactly winning any trophies as a conversationalist, either。你应该也得不了健谈奖(讽刺他话不多,是个闷葫芦)。

  8. Leonard, you may not have noticed, but I am being a delight here. And you're not holding up your end of the evening。你可能没注意到我可是在扮演开心果,而你却没有演好你今晚的角色。

  hold up your end of the deal. 遵守诺言。



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