CNN专访乔布斯:皮克斯与迪斯尼的联姻   2011年10月18日 10:10   沪江英语

  "We've got Pixar CEO Steve Jobs and Disney president, CEO, Robert Iger." 我们有幸请到了皮克斯公司的CEO乔布斯以及迪士尼总裁兼CEO艾格。

  "Gentlemen, congratulations, good to have you with us." 两位,恭喜了很荣幸能访问两位

  "Thank you." 谢谢

  "Steve, I want to start with you though. What does this mean for people who love Pixar movies?" 乔布斯,还是先从你开始,皮克斯与迪士尼联姻,这对热爱皮克斯公司电影的观众意味着什么

  "Ah, what I think this means is there is going to be a lot more of them. We are gonna get chance to continue to work with Disney. But rather than two companies with two sets of shareholders and different agendas, we are just gonna be one company and we can all focus on making the best films in the world and you know, distributing them and getting also the characters in the Disney's unique assets, like their theme parks, etc. This is... " 嗯,我觉得未来将看到的远不止是皮克斯的电影,我们有幸继续与迪士尼合作,但如今已不再是两家公司,两家股东和不同的业务策略。我们会是一家公司,专注于制作和发行全世界最好看的电影,并且让皮克斯创造的角色融入迪士尼的独有资产中去,如主题公园等等。

  "Bob, this is, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, Steve. Bob, this is a pretty big deal with you being a new CEO. A lot of people knew Michael Eisner, maybe alienated some people, Steve included. Why was it important for you to come in and kind of patch up this relationship with Pixar." 呃,对不起打断你,老乔。艾格,你被任命为CEO可谓非同小可,很多人觉得艾斯纳(迪士尼前CEO)可能会孤立董事会里有些人,包括乔布斯。为何你出任CEO并修补与皮克斯的关系如此重要?

  "Well, nothing is as important to Disney as making great product, high-quality product. And animation

  really is the heart and soul of the company dating back to Walt's day in his late 20s. So I thought that a real imperative for the company and for me, as its new CEO, was to make sure that we are making great feature animation movies. Pixar has been doing that for quite a long period of time. We've been a partner of theirs and watched them in all and in wonder how they've done it. And when I considered all the different alternatives that we had as a company to achieve this goal to make great animated films, they ascended up rising to the top of all the different choices that we had. And I'm incredibly excited about it because it gives us an ability to return ourselves to great scenario that is so important to the Walt Disney company." 这么说吧,我觉得最重要的是迪士尼得创造出好产品,高质量的产品,而早在华尔特(迪士尼创始人)20多岁时,动画就已是迪士尼的核心与灵魂,因此对于这个公司和我这个新CEO而言,确保制作出出色的剧情动画电影责无旁贷。皮克斯在该领域发展已经有很长时间,作为合作方之一,我们对其敬畏有加,也想知道他们如何进行创作,因此当我考虑在众多潜在收购对象中挑选一家达到创造伟大动画电影的目的时,皮克斯最终脱颖而出。而我本人也相当激动,因为这能让我们在动画领域重现辉煌。动画对华尔特•迪士尼公司有至关重要的意义。

  "And Bob, you welcomed a new man to the board table. Was it right?" 而且艾格你也欢迎这位董事会的新成员,对吧

  "I do it gladly." 不胜荣幸

  "Gladly. All right. So, Steve, what does this mean though? All of us are so familiar with Apple products. What does this mean for the synergy that could be created with what Disney is able to produce and maybe we can all download on our iPods." 荣幸…好的,乔布斯,对于我们这些熟悉苹果产品的人而言,这意味着什么,皮克斯被收购又意味着什么。你们能和迪士尼碰撞出怎样的火花,迪士尼今后会推出什么新产品,也许能下载到iPod里?

  "Well, you know, when we were about to, when we were working on the video iPod getting close to its announcement, the first person I called was Bob. And I went down and showed it to him. He was the first person outside of Apple to see it. And we figured out very rapidly how to cut a deal to get content from ABC onto that, to video iPod so we've figured out how to work out things very efficiently and very quickly to do some pretty great stuff. And I think that's just the beginning of what can be done."当我们日夜赶工设计视频iPod ,在临近正式推出时,我第一个打电话给艾格,而且开车过去给他展示,他是苹果公司外首个目睹新iPod尊容的人。我们很快就决定该如何与ABC电视网签约获得其内容的iPod的合法下载权,所以我觉得我们之间的合作能很迅速地推出很酷的玩意儿。并且我认为,皮克斯与迪斯尼的联姻只是一个开始,好戏还在后头呢。



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