
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年10月21日 18:00   中国日报网-英语点津

  买房还是租房?对于很多在大城市漂泊的年轻人来说,这其实都不算是个问题。因为在当前这样的形势下,租房肯定是多数人的长期选择。大家都是generation rent。

Generation rentGeneration rent

  refers to the generation of people born from the eighties onwards, who because of changes in the economic situation are more likely to rent their homes than buy them。

  Generation rent(租房一代)指出生于上世纪八十年代及以后,由于经济形势的变化多选择租房而非买房的一代人。

  Owning your own home (or rather part-owning it with the bank!) has always been the norm in the UK, with those whose financial circumstances permit usually choosing to buy rather than rent. This is a phenomenon unique to Britain and contrasts with the rest of Europe and the USA, where renting is the usual option. Changes in the economic situation during the past few years however have made it increasingly difficult for first-time buyers to get started in the property market, so that there is an emerging generation, the so-called generation rent, who may never own their own homes。


  The only young adults who appear less likely to join generation rent are those fortunate enough to have affluent parents with cash to spare to help them raise a deposit。




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