Beautiful people have many advantages in life, but those with lop-sided faces make better leaders, scientists claim. Uneven looks are said to mean they have to make more effort to persuade others, and this boosts their capacity to inspire。漂亮的人在生活中有很多优势,但是有科学家认为,脸歪的人更能成为好领导,因为不对称的长相就使得他们要花更多的力气去说服别人,这就提高了他们激励别人的能力。 One prime example is Sir Winston Churchill, who led Britain to victory against Hitler. Others such as Abraham Lincoln and Admiral Horatio Nelson might also have owed part of their leadership ability to having asymmetrical faces, the theory suggests。一个明显的例子就是带领英国抵抗希特勒并取得胜利的英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔。这样的例子还包括亚伯拉罕·林肯和海军上将霍雷肖·纳尔逊。这种理论的支持者认为,这些领导人卓越的领导力与他们不对称的长相有关。 This contradicts previous beliefs that symmetry is a mark of fitness and strength。这种理论与之前认为的对称性是健康有力的标志的理论相矛盾。 Left and right measurements were made of several features including finger length, wrist width and ear length。左右对称性的测量由几个方面组成,包括手指长度、手腕宽度和耳朵长度。 Previous research has found that people with asymmetrical faces and bodies can be more aggressive when provoked. Asymmetry is believed to be caused by the baby undergoing stress while in the womb, leading to uneven development。以前的研究也发现,脸部不对称和身体不对称的人在被激怒时会更加有攻击性。据称,造成这种不对称性的原因是婴儿在母亲子宫内时受到压力而导致发育不对称。 网友评论