
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年10月24日 10:51   沪江英语

  I took the liberty of adapting a Star Trek fan fiction novella I wrote when I was 10, into a one act play。我擅自地将我十岁写的一部基于《星际迷航》的粉丝小说改编成立一个独幕剧。

  And you think it's better than Tennessee Williams?你觉得自己写的比田纳西·威廉姆斯德的剧本要好?

  Why don't we leave that for future generations to decide?为什么不将这留给后代去裁决呢?

  I’m Ari Karpel with Time。我是《时代周刊》的 Ari Karpel。

  Today I’m on the set of the Big Bang Theory with Jim Parsons. He’s won an Golden Globe and an Emmy for playing physicist Sheldon Cooper。今天我和Jim Parsons来到了《生活大爆炸》的现场。他因扮演了其中的物理学家Sheldon Cooper而获得了金球奖和艾美奖。

  Jim thanks so much for letting us come to the set of your show. Thank you for coming to my home away from home. So our first question comes from Julia Hall from Madera, California.Jim,感谢你让我们来到你们剧的现场。感谢你大老远地到我这来做客。我们的第一个问题来自于Julia Hall,她来自加州的Madera。

  How do you manage to make a character who could be easily unlikable likable?你是如何将一个很容易被人讨厌的人物塑造得如此可爱?

  I think in the writing they're very careful to soften the edges of the harsher words coming out of his mouth. But you know, the other thing is the way that the other characters are reacting to him。我觉得编剧非常小心地弱化了他说话的刺耳程度,另外一方面是其他角色对他的反应。

  Well, Mrs. Latham said she was seriously considering donating money so we could get a cryogenic centrifugal pump.Latham女士说她在认真地考虑给我们捐钱,然后我们就可以得到一台制冷离心泵。

  Oh, wow!哇!

  Then she stuck her tongue down my throat。然后她就和我舌吻了。


  Okay, we can't keep explaining everything. Read that book we got you. 我们不能解释一切。去读我们给你的那本书。

  They show you how it's affecting them。他们给你展现我的话是如何影响他们的。

  And it’s much more hmm, this is just an exasperation and a certain resignation that we are going to put up with。更多的是 嗯…这是件令人恼怒的事情,但也是有点命里注定的意味。我们还是忍受一下吧。

  And I think that translates to the audience, like oh well they are saying it's ok, it’s tiresome but it’s not hurtful. We don’t want to ditch him。虽然有些烦人  却也不是那么伤人,我认为观众会觉得,如果他们说这没有关系,我们不想抛弃他。

  But frankly, a lot of times, structurally speaking for the scene, the point is to irritate  you know. Umm, I’m irritated sometimes learning the lines, so I just translate that onto the screen。但坦白来说很多时候,按照情节的需要我的台词就是要惹恼他人嘛。我有时候在熟悉台词时也会被惹恼,所以我就把那种感觉带上荧屏。

  And you did well。你做的相当不错。

  Thank you。谢谢夸奖。

  A reader in Berlin asks。一位柏林的读者问道。

  Do you worry about being typecast as a Sheldon?你会担心演Sheldon演得你其他角色都演不了吗?

  No  I don't worry about being typecast, umm  it already happens to a certain degree. And so all I can do is keep working, all I can do is keep auditioning, all I can do is keep  you know, getting into rooms and talking to people, and I love playing this part, and I don’t feel that…我不担心,一定程度上其实已经有点被定型为Sheldon了。我能做的只是继续工作,继续试戏,继续。。.走进房间,和导演编剧们交谈。我喜欢饰演这个角色。

  You know I don't approach this part any differently than I would've ever approached any other parts, as far as trying to bring it to life  if you will, if that doesn't sound too arty sounding。我塑造这个角色时,和我塑造其他角色一样,都是尽可能地使人物鲜活  如果要用这个词的话,如果那听起来不是太做作的话。

  Umm I’m very frank  you know  about certain things, like I get asked a lot of science things I'm like you're kidding?你知道我对某些事是很坦诚的,像我经常被问道有关科学的问题,我就会回答 你在开玩笑么?

  And even the pop culture, I feel like you know   I'm very forthcoming. I’ve never seen Star Trek, I’ve never…I don’t know Doctor Who。甚至是流行文化,我觉得我可以很直率地说。 我从没看过《星际迷航》,我也从没……我也不知道 Doctor Who。

  A reader from Ohio asked: has your portrayal of a physicist changed how you regard science?一个俄亥俄州的读者问:你扮演物理学家的经历有没有改变你看待科学的方式?

  I’ve always been fascinated with science, and very specifically what I mean is I was very fascinated with meteorology in early age. I lived on the gulf coast, and hurricanes blew through there. And I found that very interesting. The one thing that did change and surprise me, although why should it, was what a wonderful basis for a show as it has been to be built around. Because it's boundless。我一直对科学很着迷。尤其是我小时候对气象学非常感兴趣。 我生活在墨西哥海湾沿岸,那里经常被飓风肆虐。我发现那很有意思。有一方面确实让我改变   并且让我很吃惊的是,虽然似乎并不应该吃惊,是以科学作为剧情基础是多赞的一件事。因为它是没有限制的。

  Anything, literally in the world can be tied into the show. And we have a built-in I guess an excuse for why it's here。任何事,毫不夸张地说世上任何事,都能编进剧里。我们都能解释它为什么出现在剧里。也算是借口吧  反正是能自圆其说。

  So there's a lot of colors on that pallet to deal with. That's why there should be sciences. Because science is everything you know. But I'm not watching more nova。所以可以拿来创作的素材很多。这就是为什么要讲科学的事,因为万事皆为科学,但我并没有因此而跑去研究新星。

  And Dennis Cross from Dixon Missouri wants to know, how did you lose your Texas twang?Dennis Cross来自密苏里州迪克森。他想知道,你是如何改掉你的德州口音的?

  Well I didn’t lose my Taxes Twang completely. I know on the show it comes out sometimes. Sometimes I'm given free rein, when there's a Texas conversation going on. And I can only imagine that's where they got that from  Sheldon is from Texas。我并没有完全丢掉我的德州口音。我知道它有时还会出现,有时候我被允许随意发挥,当演到一个德州口音的的对话时。我想这恐怕也是观众为什么认为Sheldon是从德州来的吧。

  We gotta do something with this dialect. Can you turn it on and off at will?得想想办法改掉我这口音啊。你能随意控制么?

  To a degree。多少能一点吧。

  Can I try and do a Southern right now?我能现在尝试模仿南方口音么?

  Like when I'm talking to my mom on the phone and everything. That's what it is. There's sort of a draw in it。就像我和我妈在电话上聊天的时候,就是那样子。有那么几分吸引人。

  I don't know if this is exactly right or not. Now I'm thinking about it. it must be that commercial on TV which goes there's a pot hole and she's talking she goes  Oh did I do that?我不知道这是不是完全正确。现在我这样想着,就像是那个广告里那样。这路面上有个坑洞,她在说话。她这么说的  那是我干的吗?

  So I turned something on, but I'm not sure it was a Texas accent。我带上了点口音,但我不确定带的是德州的口音。

  I think you're getting there. You've done a lot of acting on the stage, as you've talked about。我觉得你做得不错。你演过不少戏剧,像你说的。

  Is that your first love?戏剧是你的初恋吗?

  Yes  and I would love nothing more. And I'm actively trying to see a way to get back the right fit, the right situation to do a New York play. That being said, part of it was just happenstance in that I wasn't doing anything in front of a camera。是的,没有什么能比的上。我正积极地尝试去看看怎样能找到合适的时间和机会,能再回到纽约去演一演。话虽这么说,但喜欢它的一部分原因仅仅是我不是在摄像机前面做任何表演。

  You know within early... theater was the thing my only outlet for whatever this odd desire was on my part I didn't know camera work。当年流行的都是戏剧,那时 这是我发泄我古怪的演员欲望的唯一出口。我当时根本不知道怎样在摄像机前表演。

  Although when I was very little. I used to say I wanted to be a movie star again and again。虽然我还很小的时候, 我曾一次次说我想做一个电影明星。

  That's not what I meant  you know I just wanted to act I guess in other words actor。我并不是这个意思 。我只是想去演,或者换句话,做个演员。

  Final question comes from me。最后的问题是我提的。

  I want to know  Sheldon has a catchword。我想知道的是Sheldon有个流行词汇。

  And I'm curious of the first time it was in a script, whether you knew it was gonna be a catchword or it just sort of evolved that way。

  我好奇的是当它首次出现在剧本中时, 你是否知道它将会成为一句流星语还是说,它自己就那么就流行起来了的?


  I didn't know it would be...we would ever see it again我不知道它是如何变成……我们还会再见到它。

  It was... I don't remember the actual script. It was at least two seasons ago now. And they'll bandy about certain things the writers will. While you are standing there. And Lee Arison was the one who was just trying to find something for me to say at the end of whatever it was and Bazinga was his thing。它是。。.我不是很记得那次的剧本。那至少是2季以前了。他们边写边互相讨论  我是说那些编剧,当你站在那的时候。Lee Arison就是想帮我想句台词。那种在什么结尾都能说的话。然后他就想到了Bazinga。

  It was like that's just ridiculous enough, let's do it。感觉就是,这个足够荒唐。就用这个。

  I love it. I think it's such a unique word. I just find it irresistible which is prob. why it became kind of a catch phrase。我喜欢它。我觉得它很独特。我觉得简直无法抵抗。这可能也是为什么它会变得那么流行。

  I would've never thought I wanted to be associated with a catch phrase. Perhaps I shouldn't. But there's something very forgiving about this one. Maybe it's a cue as your place in TV history。我一向不觉得,我会想和一个流行词联系在一起。也许我不应该。但这句流行语让人觉得不那么糟糕,也许这会成为你在电视史上的地位的一个暗示。

  I hope so。我希望是。


  Thanks  Jim。谢谢你 Jim。

  Thank you very much。非常感谢你。

  It's nice to see you。很高兴见到你。

  It's good to see you too。我也是。

  Thanks for visiting。谢谢你的访问。

  Thanks for having me。谢谢接受我访问。





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