双语:让我们来一场“穿越式聚会”(图)一到节假日,各类同学聚会邀请就会纷至沓来,而聚会的主要节目除了吃喝,就是K歌、打牌等等玩乐项目了。毫无新意不说,还导致同学之间的攀比和炫富等不良风气。近两年,80后年轻人当中开始流行举办“穿越式聚会”,怀旧的味道很浓,而且日益受到追捧。 a photo from school days
Time travel party is a new type of schoolmates gathering held by the post-80s generation, who have been away from campus for years。 “穿越式聚会”指踏入社会多年的80后一代举办的一种新式同学聚会。 In this gathering, all the participants are supposed to take a photo with a “version 1.0 of themselves”. Everyone has to bring a photo of his/her school days to the gathering, wearing the same clothes, striking the same pose, or taking a photo with the same people from the “version 1.0”. All the planning makes everyone feel that they are back in the good old days。 同学聚会上,他们要“与1.0版的自己合影”。每人要带张学生时代的照片到场。穿着与照片中相同的衣服,摆相同的姿势,或者跟相同的几个人一起,聚会现场拿着当年的照片再拍一张。仿佛时光穿越回到了从前。 网友评论