绯闻女孩:布莱尔孩子长相大猜想(组图)![]() ![]() ![]() We all know that Blair is with child, but there’s still one question lingering in Gossip Girl fans’ minds: Who the heck got her pregnant? Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck? We may not know for sure, but we do know what each of her potential babies would look like! And that’s enough for now。 众所周知,布莱尔怀孕了。但粉丝心里面仍然有个疑问,孩子的爸爸是谁?是布莱尔的未婚夫路易斯王子还是秘密情人查克?我们不知道答案,但是我们可以知道这个孩子会长什么样!这对我们来说就已经足够了。 A note to “Dair” fans: The possibility of Dan somehow being the baby daddy has been all-but shot down by producers, but because I’m a dreamer, I included Dan and Blair’s potential match-up in our gallery as well。 给BD党一个忠告:制片人已经明确表示了,孩子的生父不可能是丹。但我们做做梦还是可以的,所以,BD结合所生的孩子的样子也会出现哦。 So have a look at the three potential outcomes and vote: Which pairing would make the cutest baby? 那就快来看看布莱尔的宝宝的模拟照片吧。哪对组合生出的宝宝最可爱?投上你的一票吧! 网友评论