单词趣谈:网络英文缩写知多少中国有些常用的网络用语,比如囧,LOLI,神马,浮云,给力,等等等等。同样在英语国家里也有,比如看生活大爆炸时谢耳朵会说的FYI以及LOL,你都懂是什么意思吗~~~? For those of us who send a lot of text messages orchat a lot with instant messenger then text abbreviations save our poor fingers a lot of work. Do you knowthese ones? 对于那些总是发短信或者老上线聊天的人来说,缩写语能解救我们可怜的手指。下面是一些常见的缩写,你都认得吗? 1. LOL (Laugh out loud) 大笑 2. ASL (Age sexlocation) 年龄,性别,地点 3. BRB (Be rightback) 马上回来 4. CUL8R (See you later) 再见 5. E1 (Everyone) 每个人 6. EMA (Emailaddress) 电子邮件地址 7. F2F (Face toface) 面对面 8. FYI (For yourinformation) 仅供参考 9. GR8(Great) 很好 10. H8 (Hate) 讨厌 11. HAND (Have a nice day) 过得愉快 12. HRU (How areyou?) 你好吗? 13. ILU (I love you) 我爱你 14. MOOS (Member of the opposite sex) 异性成员 15. NE1 (Anyone) 每个人 16. PLZ (Please) 请 17. QT (Cutie) 可爱的女孩 18. SYL (See you later) 等会儿见 19. THX (Thanks) 谢谢 20. TTYL (Talk to you later) 待会儿再聊 Here is an example of a conversation between twoteenage girls, can you follow it? The full English is inbrackets。 下面是两个十来岁女生对话的例子,你能理解吗?完整版的英文在括号内。 wsup (what'sup?) 你怎么了? not much, wsup w/u (not much, what's up withyou?) 没什么,你呢? nothing jc (nothing, justchilling。) 没什么,单纯地在放松。 me too 我也是 how was ur day (how was yourday?) 你今天过得怎么样 fine 挺好的 gd (good) 好 urs (yours?) 你呢? gd gd 也不错 so u datin any1 (so, are you datinganyone?) 你有在约会吗 yup y (yes, why?) 有,为什么这么问? o im jw. seems like u got a new bf evry wk (Oh,I'm just wondering. Seems like you've got a new boyfriend everyweek。) 哦,我只是在想你好像每个礼拜都有个新男友 shut up lol (shut up -- laughing outloud) 哦,闭嘴(大笑) yeah neways (yeah, anyways。) 啊,好吧 网友评论