
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年10月29日 10:36   沪江英语

  Be a woman妇女

  The law of the sea is women and children first. 海上的规矩是妇女儿童优先。

  'Real' women stood by their men, and the heroine of the night was Ida Straus who stayed on board with her husband of fifty years, the owner of Macy's Department store. "Where you go, I go," Mrs. Straus is reported to have said. 但“真正的”女人会与她们的男人共进退。沉船当晚,就有这样一位真女人,她就是梅西百货创始人的妻子Ida Straus,她与相濡以沫50年的丈夫一起留在了船上。据说,她当时曾经这样说过,“你去哪里,我就去哪里。”

  Of the 705 people who survived, 140 were women in First Class, 80 were women in Second Class, and 76 were women in Third Class. Of the twenty-three female members of the crew, twenty survived。在生还的705人中,有140名女性是一等舱的乘客,80名女性乘坐二等舱,还有76名女性来自三等舱。船上的23名女性员工中有20人幸存。

  Be a child儿童

  What constituted a child? Aged 12, children were able to leave school and begin work. Second Officer Lightoller tried to prevent 13-year-old John Ryerson from getting into a lifeboat with his mother. Mr. Ryerson, who would die that night, persuaded Lightoller that his son was a child and not an adult. "No more boys," the Officer was heard to mutter as he reluctantly allowed young John to leave the sinking ship. 什么是儿童?在当时,年龄达到12岁的儿童就可以离开学校去参加工作。船上的二副Lightoller曾试图阻止一名13岁的儿童和他的母亲一起登上救生艇。知道自己在劫难逃的父亲于是苦劝Lightoller,说明自己的孩子并不是成年人。二副这才不情愿地放行,让这个孩子上了救生艇,嘴里还嘟囔着“下不为例。”

  Of the 109 children on the Titanic 52 died, all from third class。泰坦尼克号上的109名儿童,有52人遇难,全部都来自于三等舱。

  Disguise yourself as a woman打扮成妇女的男人

  Edward Ryan, a third-class Irish passenger, put a towel over his head before stepping into a lifeboat. To prevent him from being detected, one woman threw a shawl over a passenger called Daniel Buckley who was hiding in her boat. Several men were falsely accused of having dressed as women in order to save their lives。来自三等舱的爱尔兰乘客Edward Ryan包了一块毛巾在头上后就跳到了救生船上。另一位男乘客Daniel Buckley为了不让自己被发现,就把同船上的一位女乘客扔给他的围巾披在身上。还有一些人因此被诬告装成女人来逃命。

  None. It later became a point of pride to say that you survived the Titanic because you were dressed as a woman。无话可说啊。没准这些男人以后还会自豪地告诉别人自己能从沉船上活下来是因为穿了女人的衣服。

  Be a stowaway偷渡客

  Stowaways stood a good chance of surviving because they were in the lifeboats already. Ismay shared his lifeboat with four Chinese stowaways who had been hiding beneath the cover。偷渡者有很大的机会可以获救,因为他们本来就已经躲在救生船上了。Ismay(泰坦尼克号的建造公司白星公司的高管)所坐的救生船上就藏着四个中国的偷渡客。

  Travel first-class头等舱的乘客

  While all the women in First Class, except those few who chose to stay with their husbands, survived, a blind eye was turned to the morality of the 56 other men in First Class who had found their way into the lifeboats。除了那些自愿跟随丈夫留下的女乘客之外,所有头等舱的女士都幸免于难。当然,也有56个头等舱的男乘客不择手段地混上了救生船。

  Man a lifeboat会划船的男人

  The lifeboats needed men to do the rowing; if there was not an available member of the crew, a male passenger was required to do their duty. Accusations of cowardice still applied. Major Peuchen, a Canadian passenger who volunteered himself to man a boat because he was an experienced yachtsman, was afterwards maligned. One taunt

  that circulated about Peuchen was that, "he said he was a yachtsman so he could get off the Titanic, and if there had been a fire, he would have said he was a fireman."救生船上需要男人来划船,如果没有船员在现场的话,男乘客就可以担起这一重任。当然,这样做也会被人说成是懦夫的行为。一位加拿大的陆军少校Peuchen就自称对划船经验丰富,自告奋勇地要求去划船。之后,他的这一做法也遭到了指责。有一则嘲讽他的说法是,“他想要离开泰坦尼克号所以才说自己会划船。如果现在是着火了,他就会说自己是消防员了。”

  Travel first-class头等舱的乘客

  While all the women in First Class, except those few who chose to stay with their husbands, survived, a blind eye was turned to the morality of the 56 other men in First Class who had found their way into the lifeboats。除了那些自愿跟随丈夫留下的女乘客之外,所有头等舱的女士都幸免于难。当然,也有56个头等舱的男乘客不择手段地混上了救生船。

  Follow orders奉命登船的人

  Survival was legitimate if you had been ordered by an Officer to get into a lifeboat。如果收到指令,奉命登上救生船是被允许的。

  It was unclear to the passengers who had the authority to issue such an order. Ismay was apparently ordering passengers of both sexes into the lifeboats, but as no one knew who he was, they ignored him。乘客们并不清楚谁有这样的权力去指定别人上船。Ismay显然是让所有的人都上船,但是,由于大家都不认得他,谁也没把他当回事。

  Be American美国人

  "Be British, my boys, be British," Captain Smith reminded the shipload of international men and women. Recent research has shown that being British - in other words, letting the ladies go first and not pushing in a queue - meant that the British men on board were 7% less likely to survive, while the more assertive American male was 8.5% more likely。史密斯船长一直在船上呼吁乘客们“做个英国人,大家伙,做个英国人。”最近的研究表明,做个英国人就意味着要让女士先行,不能在队伍中推搡。这就导致在船上的英国男人的存活率少掉了7个百分点,而独断独行的美国男人的存活率却能多出8.5个百分点。

  Go down with the ship船沉后被救起的人

  The only legitimate way to survive the Titanic was to have initially gone with the ship。随船一起下沉后被救起,这是唯一合法的逃生方式。

  Thirty men survived the Titanic by straddling Collapsible A。有30个人由于跨坐在A号救生船上而获救。



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