双语:研究称智商并非一成不变环球网 图
University College London researchers tested pupils between the ages of 12 and 16 in 2004, with scores ranging from 77 to 135. Four years later, scores were between 87 and 143, but with some major changes in individuals。 据英国《每日邮报》10月19日报道,伦敦大学学院的研究人员在2004年时对12岁到16岁间的一些学生进行了IQ测试,测试得分约在77到135分之间。四年之后,这些学生的IQ得分总体提升到了87到143分,但个人的变化情况各有不同。 Not only was there a significant change in written tests but brain scans confirmed those who had improved their score had more grey matter。 不仅仅是笔试成绩有明显的变化,脑部扫描也显示,那些得分提高了的学生脑部出现了更多的灰质(灰质是一种神经组织,是中枢神经系统的重要组成部分)。 The tests suggest children who perform poorly at school in their early teens may still be high-achievers。 这一测验表明,那些早期在学校表现并不突出的孩子未来仍有可能成为佼佼者。 Researchers measured each person’s verbal IQ using standard tests in maths, English, memory and general knowledge, and also their non-verbal IQ, measured by identifying missing elements of a picture and solving visual puzzles。 研究人员通过数学、英语、记忆力和常识几方面的标准测验来测试每个学生的言语智商,并通过填充图像缺失部分,完成视觉谜题来测试学生的非言语智商。 In brain scans, increases in verbal IQ were accompanied by an increase in grey matter in the part of the brain which is activated when you articulate speech, called the left motor cortex。 通过脑部扫描图可以看出,言语智商的增加伴随着大脑左半球运动皮层灰质的增多,这一区域在人们发声讲话时就会活跃起来。 A rise in non-verbal IQ saw more grey matter develop in the anterior cerebellum – associated with hand movements。 非言语智力提升时,我们则可以清楚地看到在小脑前部产生了更多的灰质——这一部位与手部运动相关。 Sue Ramsden, who lead the study, said:"We found a clear correlation between this change in performance and changes in the structure of their brain and can say with some certainty that these changes in IQ are real." 主持这项研究的苏·冉斯登说:“我们发现,学生的这种表现与他们大脑结构的变化之间存在着明显的相关性,可以确定地说智商的改变是确然存在的。” Meanwhile, Professor Cathy Price told the journal Nature: "We have a tendency to assess children and determine their course of education relatively early in life, but here we have shown that their intelligence is likely to be still developing." 同时,凯茜·普莱斯教授还告诉《自然》杂志的记者:“我们总是倾向于通过早期的表现去评断一个孩子的优劣,并据此制定教育方案,但现在我们已经证明了他们的智力还会一直持续发展。” A recent study, also by UCL neuroscientists, found a part of the brain called the hippocampus which plays an important in memory and navigation is far denser in the brains of London taxi drivers than other people。 近期,同样由伦敦大学学院神经科学家主持的一项研究还发现,人脑中有一部分叫作“海马体”,这一器官在记忆和导航方面有着重要的作用, 伦敦出租车司机大脑中的“海马体”要比其他人密集得多。 网友评论