女子临产前考过驾照 自己驱车去医院生产(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月01日 18:02   环球网
女子临产前通过驾照考试 自己驱车去医院生产女子临产前通过驾照考试 自己驱车去医院生产

  A learner driver passed her test while in labour and then drove herself straight to the hospital to give birth。

  Emma French, 20, felt four contractions during the driving test and despite the pain she managed to not only pass, but drive to the hospital where she became a mother for the first time。

  Emma French from Livingston, Scotland, said: “Everyone was telling me to go to the hospital but I had waited so long for my driving test that I was determined to do it。”

  “I didn't dare tell the examiner I was in labour in case he made me cancel the test。”

  “The nurses in the hospital were very confused because I was getting congratulations cards for both my baby and my driving test。”

  “When I told them they were all in shock, they couldn't believe it。”

  “I am really happy I passed, it's something I wanted to do before I had my daughter to make it easier for me when she was born。”

  Emma woke up at 4am on the morning of her driving test on August 30 to find her waters had broken。

  But when the baby didn't arrive she decided to sit her test, which was booked for 8.40am that morning。

  Emma said: “I had failed my test in March and had to wait until August for another. I knew I had to do it because I knew if I didn't I wouldn't have another chance until the baby was a little older, so I didn't tell my instructor or the examiner what was happening and just got on with it。”

  “It was really scary and everyone must think I'm crazy but it ended the way I had hoped。”

  Emma's labour last another six hours and baby Eva was born at 7.30pm that day。








  艾玛在8月30 日考试当天凌晨4点钟醒来,发现自己的羊水破了。







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