
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月02日 16:43   沪江英语

    What Men Really Think About Our Clothes?


  When it comes to fashion, most men could care less. Shopping? Same thing. Makeup? Not interested. But when it comes to how sexy a woman looks when she’s all done up or just chilling in her sweatpants, men are all ears, or eyes we should say—they’re visual creatures, what do you expect? They don’t care about the hottest new fashion trends or how much a tank top costs (well, sort of), as long as it looks good on a woman and hugs her curves in all the right places, it’s good enough for them. Common though, where’s the fun in that? Men have to have a look they love on a gal, right? Here’s what we concluded after careful consideration:



  1. Men Love Women in a T-Shirt and Tight Jeans


  Turns out the casual, au natural look isn’t so bad after all. “It’s sexy and shows off the curves, but still leaves things to the imagination,” says Rafael, an LA based designer. Emma from UK would also have to agree, noting that her husband prefers her most when she’s wearing jeans, a t-shirt and no makeup。




  2. Men Don't Love Women in Clothes That Look Like They Cost More than Their Car


  What!? Guys don’t love Chanel?!?! “Although it may look good,” says Dan, a Manhattan based comedian, “it will make most heterosexual, down to earth men run the other way。” Hmm, we guess high maintenance isn’t really their thing?

  神马?男人不爱香奈儿?一位来自曼哈顿喜剧演员丹表示:“虽然这些奢侈品牌看起来很漂亮,但是大部分实际的男人看着这些肯定是会掉头就跑的。” 嗯,我猜高消费真的不是他们的菜。

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