
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月03日 19:26   沪江英语




  Mom: Cody's very sad today. Cody, why are you so sad, honey?

  Cody: Because.。.

  M: Because why?

  C: Because I love Justin Bieber。

  M: I can't hear you。

  C: Because I love Justin Bieber。

  M: You are crying because you love Justin Bieber?

  C: Yes, that's why I ran in my room。

  M: You ran in your room and cried because you love him?

  C: Yeah。

  M: Does that make you sad?

  C: Yes. I can't see Justin Bieber all day。

  M: Cuz you don't get to see him all day?

  C: Yeah.。.

  M: Why do you love Justin Bieber?

  C: Because I know he loves me back。

  M: Because you know he loves you back?

  C: Yeah!!

  M: Honey。.

  C: What, Mommy?

  M: We don't have to cry because we love Justin Bieber。

  C: Yeah we do, sometimes。

  M: Well, what makes you cry?

  C: Justin Bieber always makes me cry with his songs。

  M: He always makes you cry with his songs?

  C: Yes!

  M: Well, why do they make you cry?

  C: Because I just love Justin Bieber。

  M: Honey, you do know you're only 3 years old, right?

  C: Yes mommy, I do。

  M: Well, when you're 3, you're not supposed to cry over boys。

  C: Yes, I...I know, but...I love Justin Bieber..555.。.

  M: Well, what do you want Justin Bieber to do?

  C: I want Justin Bieber...#$%%$&^...that's all...I...I..I want him to be...to be one of my family。

  M: You want him to be one of your family?

  C: Yes!!!!

  M: Baby girl...Honey you're 3, you should not be crying over boys。

  C: Mommy, I don't love boys they all make me cry...555。.

  M: Cody, have you ever seen Cheyenne (her sister) cry over Justin Bieber?

  C: Sometimes they do。

  M: OK,honey,we should stop crying.Do you wanna go listen to some of his songs will that make you feel better?

  C: No,that'll make me cry again...5555

  (her sister was singing.。.)

  M: Hey Cody...OK, don't torture her, you guys stop. OK, Cody...Cody. Listen, stop crying for a second, listen. Stop, listen. If you cry like this when you listen to Justin Bieber songs mommy is not gonna let you listen to Justin Bieber songs no more。

  C: I don't want to..55.。.

  M: You don't want to It makes you too sad?

  C: Yes...555555555

  M: OK. I'm gonna turn the video camera off now。

  C: No。

  M: You don't want me to? You want me keep recording you?

  C: Yes。

  M: Well, all you're doing is just crying about Justin Bieber。

  C: No,I don't want...I want...I.。.(the telephone was ringing)..I bet that's Justin Bieber。

  Cheyenne, get that to me!!

  P.S: Justin Bieber(贾斯汀·比伯,1994年3月14日-),加拿大少年歌手,早期因为在YouTube翻唱其他艺人的歌曲而出名,目前已与小岛唱片(Island Records)签约,居住在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大,在2009年11月17日发行他的第一张专辑——My World。



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