iPhone 4S本周五开卖 售价最低4100元(图)iPhone4S本周五开卖
This Friday at seven on sale According to Hongkong media reports, Apple will be on Friday ( November 11th) at the Hongkong Central ‘s Jin Zhongxin Apple’s flagship store in the morning 7 when, in the shop open on a much-anticipated apple iPhone 4S Hong Kong version. Since the Hong Kong version has a relatively low price, so take to the field can earn more profit, the party had to be eager for a fight in Hongkong, and began to“ raise or enlarge an army” ready to central Jin Zhongxin Apple‘s flagship store queue up overnight. More even, have in the online request queuing party speculators, offered HK $1000 for candidates lined up two days two nights, i.e. advance to November 9th to queue overnight outside the shop, and on the morning of November 11th first store to buy iPhone4S. From Hongkong the local user feedback, queuing buying staff mainly from South Asia and mainland regions, thus both the demand of iPhone4S is very large. The lowest price 4100 yuan At present, the apple iPhone4S Hong Kong version of the predetermined price respectively is 5088, 5888 and 6688 Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to 4161 yuan, 4815 yuan and 5469 yuan. In addition to in November 11th will be sold iPhone 4S Hong Kong Version, including Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Salvatore, Guatemala, Malta, Montenegro, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Portugal and Romania and other countries will also be synchronized to sell. Apple Siri transplanted to the iPhone 4 test If you are the apple iPhone4S without much interest, but also on the function of the Siri show special preference to, so apple is secretly test Siri function it is ported to iPhone 4 message may be worth your attention. According to the overseas media reports, apple is running iOS 5 system iPhone 4 Siri loader software, and testing. Test result makes a person more joy, Siri runs on iPhone 4 the effect is very good. Just it is not clear when the function of Apple ported to iPhone 4. However, there is also the industry is expected to apple and not the function of the transplanted to iPhone 4, its reason is that it may affect iPhone 4S sales. In addition, if the open Siri to the large number of users on the iPhone4, so there is also the question will increase the burden on the server, so apple if selected in the iPhone 4 use Siri, then requires more bandwidth and server, will greatly increase the cost of. 8GB version of iPhone4 China to sell Although Apple has no choice in the Chinese mainland market in the sale of iPhone4S and so many people down, but the latest version of 8GB iPhone4 in line speed to market is good. According to China ’s official website shows from apple, 8GB version of iPhone4 domestic licensed version of the price is 4088 yuan, with black and white two color styles. As a new generation of apple iPhone4S improvement is not big, so relatively speaking 8GB version of the iPhone4 domestic licensed version with iOS5 operating system, has very high practicability, is expected by domestic users repeng. 本周五七点开卖 根据香港媒体的报道,苹果公司将会于本周五(11月11日)在香港中环国金中心苹果旗舰店早上7时起,在店内公开发售万众期待的苹果iPhone 4S港行版本。由于港行版本有着相对低廉的价格,所以带到外地可以赚取较多的利润,香港的排队党早已摩拳擦掌,并开始“招兵买马”准备到中环国金中心的苹果旗舰店通宵排队抢购。 更有甚至,已经有炒家在网上征求排队党,出价1000港币要求应征者排队两日两夜,即提前到11月9日到店外通宵排队,然后在11月11日早上抢先进店购买iPhone4S。而从香港本地网友的反馈来看,排队抢购的人员主要来自南亚和大陆地区,由此可见两地对iPhone4S的需求量非常之大。 售价最低4100元起 目前,苹果iPhone4S港行版本的预定价格分别为5088、5888和6688港币,分别折合人民币4161元、4815元和5469元。 而除了将于11月11日开售iPhone 4S港行版本之外,包括阿尔巴尼亚、亚美尼亚、保加利亚、萨尔瓦多、希腊、危地马拉、马耳他、黑山、新西兰、巴拿马、波兰、葡萄牙和罗马尼亚等国家也会同步开卖。 苹果测试Siri移植至iPhone 4 如果你对苹果iPhone4S没有多少兴趣,但又对Siri功能情有独钟,那么苹果正在秘密测试将Siri功能移植到iPhone 4上的消息或许值得你的关注。根据海外媒体的报道,苹果正在使用运行iOS 5系统的iPhone 4装载Siri软件,并进行测试。 测试的结果让人比较欣喜,Siri在iPhone 4上运行的效果非常的不错。只是目前尚不清楚苹果何时会将该功能移植到iPhone 4上。不过,也有业内人士预计苹果并不会将该功能移植到iPhone 4上,其原因在于很可能会影响iPhone 4S的销售。除此之外,如果开放 Siri到用户数量庞大的iPhone4之上,那么还有一个问题便是会增加服务器的负担,所以苹果如果选择在iPhone 4上使用Siri的话,那么需要投入更多的服务器和带宽,会大大增加成本。 8GB版本iPhone4国行开卖 尽管苹果没有选择在中国大陆市场率先发售iPhone4S而让不少人失望,但最新推出的8GB版本iPhone4国行的上市速度还算不错。根据来自苹果中国的官网显示,8GB版本iPhone4国内行货版本的价格为4088元人民币,提供了黑色和白色两种色彩款式选择。 由于新一代的苹果iPhone4S改进不大,所以相对而言8GB版本的iPhone4 国内行货版本则预装iOS5操作系统,具有非常高的实用性,预计将会受到国内用户的热捧。 网友评论