《绯闻女孩》S01E04:我不喜欢棒打鸳鸯(图)![]() 1. There is nothing gossip girl Like more than surprise 绯闻女孩最喜欢意外惊喜了。 There is noting like adv. 什么也比不上 Eg. There is nothing like home 自己的家最好 more than 多于; 不只...; 在.。.次以上,不仅仅 2. Let's ruin those chances. 让我们把这些抛到脑后。 ruin [ru·in || 'rʊɪn]n. 毁灭, 废墟, 崩溃 v. 使毁灭; 使成废墟; 毁坏; 使破产; 毁灭, 毁坏; 破产; 变成废墟; 堕落 3. Let the lost weekend commend! 为逝去的周末狂欢。 4. sasquathc Sasquatch ['sæskwætʃ] n. 北美野人 5. He looks intense. 他看起来很性感。 intense [in'tens] adj. 非常的,强烈的,紧张的,热情的 He is an intense person.他是位热情的人。 It was an intense but useless struggle.这是一场剧烈而无用的挣扎。 6. don't leave room for interlopers 有不速之客来搅局 leave room for vt. 为……留余地 interloper ['intələʊpə(r)]n. 闯入者,(为图私利)干涉他人事务者,无执照营业者 7. Don't insult me. 别侮辱我。 8. You are always bumping into people bump into vt. 解逅相遇(巧遇,不期而遇),与……碰撞, 打击 Now, hold on to the rail. Don't bump into others.抓好扶手,别撞着别人。 We'll propably bump into him。我们也许会碰上他。 9. I'd hate to break up a matched set anyway. 不管怎么样,我不喜欢棒打鸳鸯。 10. It's hip. 它是时尚的。 The word "hip" means trendy and keeping up with the latest fashions。所谓"hip",是说赶得上潮流、赶得上时髦。 The designer is hip to the latest fashion. 设计师对时装的最新款式了如指掌。 Three cheers for the winner: Hip, hip, hurray!为胜利者欢呼三声:加油,加油,加油! He stood there with his hands on hiships.他站在那儿,两手叉腰。 11. The number you've dialed is no longer in service. 您拨打的电话已停机。 no longer 不在 同义词: no more 12. It's enigmatic 神秘莫测 enigmatic [ˌenig'mætik, ˌi:nig-] adj. 谜的(莫明其妙的,不可思议的) 13. I prefer "one-hit wonder". 我更乐意叫我昙花一现奇葩。 one hit wonder昙花一现,一举成名 14. I'd to put it on hold. 我想先预定这幅作品。 put on hold 把……留着 15. I can't let my mother down. 我不能让妈妈失望。 let down [let 'daun]放下,降低,使失望 v. 拆台,使……失望或沮丧 That's a real let down.这真叫人失望。 The girl let down her hair.女孩让头发披了下来。 Let down a rope so that I can climb up. 放下绳子,让我爬上去。 16. Photo shoot宣传照现场,专业式拍照 固定词组 ph。抢拍(镜头) 17. exaggerate v. 夸张, 夸大; 使增大, 使扩大; 对.。.言过其实; 使过大; 夸张, 夸大其词 18.barely英音:['bɛəli]美音:['bɛrlɪ] 副词 ad。 (1) 仅仅,勉强;几乎没有 He hasbarely enough money to live on. 他的钱仅够勉强维持生计。 (2) 贫乏地;光秃秃地 The room was furnishedbarely but neatly. 房间陈设十分简陋,但很整洁。 (3) 公开地,露骨地 The facts are presentedbarely, without any comments. 事实原原本本摆了出来,没有加任何评论。 19. It's that usually there's something beneath the surface. With people like that to make them a ct the way they do. 那事情肯定不像表面那么简单。他们会这样肯定是有原因的。 20. And the only way you will know for sure is to jump in with both feet. 你唯一能确定的就是全情投入。 21. make up make up n. 弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆,补足,拼凑, 做, 制造,创造, 起草, 制定, 设置, 征收, 准备 例句:Farm workers make up only a small section of the population.农民只占人口的一小部分。 I can't make up my mind.我下不了决心。 She tired to make up to the boss.她想讨好老板。 make up 1. 补足 We need $50 tomake up the sum required. 我们需要五十元以补足所需要的数目。 2. 编造 The whole story ismade up. 整个故事完全是虚构出来的。 3. 组成 The medical team wasmade up of twelve doctors. 医疗队由十二名医生组成。 make-up 名词 n.1. 构成;构造[C][U] themake-up of a committee 委员会的结构 2. 性格;气质;体质[C] He has a stolidmake-up. 他性情执拗。 3. 化妆;装扮;化妆品[U][C] She seldom puts onmake-up. 她很少化妆。 4. 【美】【口】补考[C] 5. 【印】排版;版面[C] 22. chew on vt. 深思(细想) 例句:I will give you until tomorrow to chew on my offer; you can take it or leave it. 我的提议你可以仔细考虑到明天,或取或舍随你便 23. She doesn't hold on to that stuff. 他不会斤斤计较这些事。 stuff [stʌf]n. 材料, 原料; 物品, 东西; 木料; 纺织品 v. 塞满, 填充, 填满; 饱食, 吃得过多 That's the stuff! 这正对路! 这正是所需要的! Do your stuff! [美俚]干你自己的事! hold on to 紧紧抓住,坚持 24. You can call bex and set up a refund. 你可以联系BEX 退货refund [re·fund || rɪː'fʌnd]n. 退还; 退款; 偿还; 偿还金额 v. 退还, 归还; 偿还 25. Why you so mad? 你为什么不高兴? mad [mæd] adj. 疯狂的, 愚蠢的, 生气的 26. You mean why aren't i furious? 你是想问我为什么我没暴跳如雷吧 furious ['fjuəriəs] adj. 狂怒的,猛烈的 She maintained a calm exterior, though really she was furious。 在外表上她保持着平静,但实际上她生气极了。 27. snap your fingers 别那么上心。 snap your finger vt. 捻拇指(藐视,满不在乎) 28. I mean it. 我认真的 I mean it, you know.我说话算话,这你明白。 网友评论