疯狂Hold不住 光棍节iPhone 4S香港开卖(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月11日 10:15   新浪教育



  In November 11, 2011, the much anticipated iPhone 4S in Hongkong to be officially sold for the price of 5088 Hong Kong dollars, equivalent to, about 4160 yuan RMB, once again become the global iPhone 4S at the lowest place, but also precisely because of this global minimum price and the line iPhone 4S warranty advantages, so the nature is very popular, in just a few days before sale in Hongkong IFC center of the apple store in front of a long line, in the first row is waited 6 days. Note: Hongkong 11 day sale iPhone 4S official does not limit the purchase of each volume, so that is likely to be the mainland cattle harvest day, according to the man in the queue, cattle have opened each add HK $2000 cash spot buying iPhone 4S, the price is very attractive.

  2011年11月11日,万众期待的iPhone 4S即将在香港正式开卖,售价为5088港币,折合人民币约4160元,再次成为了全球iPhone 4S售价最低的地方,同时也正是因为这全球最低的售价和港行iPhone 4S的保修优势,所以自然十分抢手,在发售之前几天就已经在香港IFC中心的苹果专卖店门前排起了长龙,排在第一位的更是已经苦等了6天的时间。注释:香港11日发售iPhone 4S官方并未限制购买每人的数量,所以当天很有可能是内地黄牛大丰收的一天,据现场排队的人介绍,黄牛已经开出了每台加2000港币的价格收现场购买的iPhone 4S了,价格十分诱人。



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