单身必听:Someone Like You乐府版给你慰藉Adele-Someone like you 媒体来源:新浪教育
相关阅读:Someone Like You文言文版《另寻沧海》 今天是个好日子!在这样一个特殊的日子里怎么能不煽情一下!记得不久前文言文版本的《Someone Like You》惊艳亮相,坊间惊呼:“这才叫翻译!”在今天这个“普天同庆”的日子里,小编为大家隆重推出乐府版《Someone Like You》,绝对长江后浪推前浪,一浪更比一浪强! 另寻沧海(乐府版) Someone Like You 阿黛尔 Adele 闻君诸般皆安晏,已遇佳人结姻缘。 I heard, that you're settled down。 That you, found a girl and you're married now。 闻君夙愿悉得偿,料是新欢胜旧颜。 I heard that your dreams came true。 Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you。 往日知己今何怯?向来一切无遮掩。 Old friend, why are you so shy? It ain't like you to hold back or hide from the lie。 客来不速非我想,身不由主失一念。 I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited。 But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it。 只盼君若睹我颜,可知于妾情难湮。 I'd hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded, That for me, it isn't over。 终有弱水替沧海,但祈事事随君愿。 Nevermind, I'll find someone like you。 I wish nothing but the best, for you too。 昔时君言铭肺腑:情堪隽永亦痛绝。 Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said:- "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead" 情若隽永必痛绝。 Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah。 莫道荏苒流岁月,余生所忆惟昨前。 You'd know, how the time flies。 Only yesterday, was the time of our lives。 夏雾郁郁初执手,不意荣光昙花现。 We were born and raised in a summery haze。 Bound by the surprise of our glory days。 无可比拟此缠绵,切勿忧心与挂念。 Nothing compares, no worries or cares。 糊涂遗恨自难免,白璧微瑕方可恋。 Regret's and mistakes they're memories made。 此中万般甘苦味,不经深情孰能觉? Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste? 提问:啥是乐府? 答:乐府是自秦代以来设立的配置乐曲、训练乐工和采集民歌的专门官署,汉乐府指由汉时乐府机关所采制的诗歌。这些诗,原本在民间流传,经由乐府保存下来,汉人叫做“歌诗”,魏晋时始称“乐府”或“汉乐府”。后世文人仿此形式所作的诗,亦称“乐府诗”。 网友评论