研究:高智商女性更易在三十多岁时吸毒(图)![]() Women with high IQs are far more likely to take cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy in their thirties, a study has found. Researchers think they are more open to new experiences so are more willing to experiment with illegal substances. The study by Dr James White from Cardiff University found that women with higher than average IQ scores were twice as likely to have taken drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines in their thirties as those with lower scores. Dr White looked at the records of 8,000 people dating back to the 1970s who had all had their IQ measured at the ages of five and ten. They had also answered questions about whether they had taken any drugs when they were 16 and again when they were 30. The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, found that women aged 30 who had higher than average IQs – between 107 and 150 - were more than twice as likely to have used illegal substances compared to those with scores of less than 95. An average IQ score is 100. Men with high IQ scores were 50 per cent more likely to have used amphetamines, ecstasy, and several illicit drugs than those with low scores – so the link was not as strong as amongst women。 Dr White said: "If we were to speculate it could be that people with high IQs tend to be more open to new experiences." "They also don't think they are at risk by just trying once or twice." 据英国《每日邮报》11月15日报道,研究显示,高智商的女性更容易在三十几岁时沾染大麻、可卡因和摇头丸。 研究人员认为,她们对新的经历体验的接受程度更高,所以更加乐于去尝试这些非法药品。 来自卡迪夫大学的詹姆斯•怀特博士研究发现,智商超过平均水平的女性在三十多岁时吸食大麻、可卡因、摇头丸和安非他命等非法药品的可能性是较低智商的女性的两倍。 怀特博士查看了8000人的记录,一直追溯到上世纪70年代,这些人都在五岁和十岁时做过智商测试。 他们也就是否在十六岁时吸食过任何毒品以及三十岁时的相关情况回答了一些问题。 刊登在《流行病学与公共卫生杂志》上的研究显示,三十岁的智商超出平均水平的女性——IQ测试得分大约在107到150分之间——使用非法药品的可能性是那些智商水平测试得分低于95的女性的两倍。 平均智商分数是100分。 而高智商男性比较低智商的男性服食安非他命、摇头丸等违禁药物的可能性则只高出50%——关联性远不如女性那么密切。 怀特博士说:“如果我们推测一下,可以得出,高智商的人群对新的经历体验接受度更高,也更加开放。” “他们并不觉得仅仅尝试一两次是在冒险。” 网友评论