很多人都会在咖啡馆看书、上网,或者见朋友,大多是因为那里氛围好、有无线网络,或者仅仅是喜欢那种小资情调。在韩国,人们把这种潮流发挥到了极致:他们把咖啡馆当成办公室来用。 Coffice, a portmanteau term of coffee shop and office, is used in South Korea to describe how coffee shops are used for work, study and socializing. Coffice is a coffee shop habitually used as an office by customers, who mooch its space, electricity, Wi-Fi and other resources. Presumably, they pay for the coffee. Coffice(咖啡办公室)是韩国很流行的一个合成词(咖啡馆+办公室),指咖啡馆在工作、学习或者社交活动中常常被用到。被称为coffice的咖啡馆会被一些顾客习惯性地当成办公室来用,他们蹭着咖啡馆的空间,电力、无线宽带以及其他资源。而他们这样做的理由,想必是因为他们已经为那里的咖啡买了单吧。 For example: I’ll meet you at my coffice at 2pm. Here is the address. 咱们下午两点在我常去办公的咖啡馆见面吧。这是那里的地址。 网友评论