生活大爆炸S05E10你和我喜欢的相去甚远(图)![]() 1.A total loser. 彻底的失败者 2.Mm... make it two. 那……也给我来一个。 3.I'll ring it up. 我去结账 4.It's probably for the best. 这其实可能也是件好事吧 5.As a brilliant man,you're entitled to a vice. 作为一个杰出的男人,你允许有一些坏习惯。 6.Like shooting nerds in a barrel. 让这群呆子上钩还不是瓮中捉鳖嘛。 7.It's a little awkward. 有点小尴尬。 8.You could have fun with that. 你会乐在其中的。 9.Can't own a person. 你不能"占有"一个人。 10.The question is moot. 这个是个伪命题。 11.Now, getting back to the problem at hand. 现在回到我们眼下面临的问题。 12.I am not washed-up. 我没有被淘汰。 13.Okay, don't judge me. 拜托 别对我评头论足。 14.Lot of options out there. 外面的选择可多了去了。 15.Sorry. I don't do returns. 不好意思 我不负责退货。 16.Hey, guys, check it out. 兄弟们,快看。 17.You got to be kidding me. 开玩笑吧? 18.Don't be silly. 别傻了。 19.You're so full of it. 你就装吧你。 20.You unfriended me? Seriously? 你把我删掉了?当真? 21.Here's a radical thought. 我有个偏激点的法子。 22.Oh, sweetie, you are so not the guy. 亲爱的,你和我喜欢的相去甚远喽。 23.Don't patronize me. 不用可怜我。 24.You're being impossible. 你简直不可理喻。 25.Sorry to interrupt. 抱歉打扰了。 26.Take the hint, Stuart. Stuart,请注意她的暗示。 27.Seems a bit restrictive. 似乎有点苛刻啊。 网友评论