
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月19日 15:53   沪江英语

  Ivy League schools produce a disproportionate amount of corporate leaders, according to a U.S. News study of the educational backgrounds of 2010's Fortune 500 CEOs (the magazine's annual ranking of American corporations based on gross revenue)。根据一份美国新闻关于全球五百强企业CEO的教育(微博)背景调查得出,常青藤名校产出了相当数量的商业领袖。(该杂志每年都会对于收入最高的美国商业公司进行排名。)

  Harvard University, Columbia University, and the University of Pennsylvania topped the list—the three schools cumulatively awarded 99 degrees to the executives. Large state institutions like the University of Wisconsin—Madison, the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, and Ohio State University ranked highly as well, as each awarded at least 10 degrees to CEOs on Fortune's list. Wisconsin stood out among its state school peers, granting 17 degrees to the CEOs, which put the school fourth overall, despite having an average U.S. News rank of 33 for the school's undergraduate, business, and law programs. In the Fortune analysis, Wisconsin finished ahead of highly ranked schools like Stanford University, Dartmouth College, and Northwestern University. 哈佛大学,哥伦比亚大学还有宾夕法尼亚大学在这个榜单中成为三强,他们一共产出了99位CEO。而那些大型的州立大学比如威斯康星麦迪逊大学和密歇根哈勃大学也名列前茅,这两所大学平均每所产出10个500强CEO。威斯康星大学在它的同类大学大众非常出众,它虽然在美国的法学院,商学院和本科生院的排名只有33名,但是它产出了17位CEO。在财富周刊的分析中,威斯康星大学比很多排名更好的大学做得好,比如像斯坦福大学,达特茅斯学院和西北大学。

  Last November, U.S. News took a look at the backgrounds of the CEOs of the top 100 companies on Fortune's list. The new analysis of the larger pool weeded out some of the lower ranked schools like Auburn University (five degrees) and Southern Methodist University (seven degrees), which ranked highly in the Fortune 100 study。去年的9月份,美国新闻周刊调查了前百强公司CEO的教育背景。这份新的、数据更多得样本排除了一些排名比较低但是在前百名的调查中产出比较高的学校,比如像奥本大学,它产出了5位CEO;以及南卫理公会大学,它产出了7位CEO。

  Of the 500 CEOs in question, 174 have M.B.A.s and 59 have law degrees. Nearly 200 of the CEOs have no graduate-level degree. Nineteen of the 500 CEOs attained no college degree, and many were college dropouts turned visionaries in the technology sector, like Oracle Corp.'s top executive and now billionaire Lawrence J. Ellison. A few retail executives also worked their way to the corner office by way of humble beginnings on the sales floor, like James A. Skinner of McDonald's, who started as a restaurant manager, and Brian J. Dunn of Best Buy Co., who was once a store associate. 在被调查的500位CEO中,174位有工商管理的硕士,59位有法学院的学位。而将近有200位CEO没有硕士学位。19位CEO甚至没有接受过大学教育,而且还有很多是中途退学然后变成了一个富有远见的科技领域领袖,比如甲骨文公司的CEO劳伦埃里森。少量的零售领域CEO也通过了勤勤恳恳的在基础领域做好销售最终坐上了CEO的位置,比如像麦当劳的詹姆斯斯金纳,他一开始只是一个店长;又或者是百思买的CEO杜恩,他一开始只是一个店长助理。

  Below is a table highlighting the 16 schools that awarded at least nine degrees to Fortune 500 CEOs. The rank of their undergraduate program, graduate business school, and law school are also included. The table is sorted by total number of degrees awarded per institution:  下面的这个表格列出了16所学校,这些学校至少产生了9位CEO。这些学校的本科学位和商科排名以及法学院排名也同样列了出来。表格的呈现方式主要以单个大学产出CEO的总量为基准:

大学 总共授予学位 本科 工商管理硕士 其他硕士学位


商学院排名 法学院排名
Harvard University 58 11 33 14 1 1 2
Columbia University 21 3 9 9 4 9 4
University of Pennsylvania 20 6 9 5 5 5 7
University of Wisconsin--Madison 17 11 3 3 45 27 28
Dartmouth College 16 12 4 0 9 7 N/A*
Stanford University 16 7 6 3 5 1 3
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 14 5 7 2 29 12 9
University of Notre Dame 11 9 0 2 19 31 22
University of Texas--Austin 11 8 3 0 45 16 15
Cornell University 10 7 3 0 15 18 13
Northwestern University 10 2 6 2 12 4 11
Ohio State University 10 5 2 3 56 21 34
University of California--Los Angeles 10 4 3 3 25 15 15
University of Virginia 10 4 4 2 25 13 10
Indiana University--Bloomington 9 3 5 1 75 23 27
Princeton University 9 9 0 0 2


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