
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月21日 09:38   中国日报网-英语点津
我们都是cube jockey我们都是cube jockey

  我们的办公室是一个大大的cube farm,每个人都有一个固定的隔间。我们工作的大部分时间都是在那个小小的隔间里面度过的,在那里,我们都是cube jockey。

  Cube jockey is an office worker who sits in a cubicle all day and is most likely destined to spend the rest of their career in one. They may spend most of their day surfing the net, playing computer games, or checking personal emails when the boss isn't looking.

  Cube jockey(隔间老大)指工作时间整天坐在办公室小隔间里的职员,他们余下的职业生涯或许也要在隔间里度过了。老板不在的时候,他们可能大部分时间都在上网、玩游戏或者查看私人邮件。

  For example:

  It is very important for a cube jockey to get up and walk during lunch otherwise he or she is going to get flabby and out of shape.




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