
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月29日 17:01   环球网

  Today sees the UK launch of a range of hi-tech watches that can pay for a double-shot espresso, a newspaper or a host of other small purchases with a flick of the wrist.

  They contain a chip similar to a mobile phone's SIM card that allows you to settle up by tapping the watch on a special terminal at the till.

  The "watch2pay" gadgets follow the successful introduction of Quick Tap, a similar system that allows payments using mobile phones, earlier this year.

  Available in eight colours, the watches cost £99 and can be used at 70,000 shops in the UK, including chains such as Pret A Manger, Subway, and McDonald's, as well as various independent cafes and newsagents.

  Rather than debiting your bank account, they can only spend the money you have topped it up with online – and if the watch is lost or stolen, your account can be cancelled on the phone or over the web.

  At first they will only be able to make payments of up to £15, but this limit may be extended depending on their popularity.

  A spokesman said: "We think it will be popular because it takes out the fumble factor – you don't have to rummage through your pockets to find it."

  Some experts believe that cash could become obsolete within a few years, as so-called "tap and go" technology becomes more widespread and more people use their phones to make purchases, leaving their notes and coins behind.



  这种叫做“watch2pay”的小装置效仿了Quick Tap(快速点击)的成功引进,Quick Tap是一种类似的系统,今年早些时候推出,可以让用户使用手机结账。








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