
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月29日 17:53   沪江英语

  Elfi Yaghi, 40, gave birth to her 14th child in Berlin last Friday -- and gave him a name that's raising a few eyebrows: Jihad. The Islamic term is associated with the Muslim crusade against the west, the Daily Mail reports. More specifically, it means:

  据《每日邮报》报道,上周五,40岁的Elfi Yaghi在柏林生下了她第14个孩子,并且给他取了一个颇具争议的名字:Jihad。这是个伊斯兰教术语,和穆斯林讨伐西部有关。说的更具体点就是:

  "A holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty."


  The name also means "struggle," and as Jezebel points out, that's probably what the boy will face growing up with that name. (Not because of any religious connotation, Jezebel adds。) According to the Daily Mail, Yaghi has yet to explain why she chose the name.


  Jihad's name isn't the only reason he's making headlines. Weighing in at 13 pounds, he's reportedly the heaviest baby ever born in Germany. And despite his massive size, his mom (who weighs 528 pounds) insisted on a vaginal birth, Dr. Wolfgang Henrich told the Local.

  Wolfgang Henrich 告诉the Locall杂志,Jihad这个名字不仅仅是使他成为头条新闻的唯一原因。Jihad生下来时重13磅,据报道他是德国最重的婴儿。除此之外,他的母亲(重528磅)还坚持顺产。

  "We usually advise mothers carrying a child with an estimated weight of more than 4.5 kilos to opt for a caesarean section to avoid complications," he said.


  Luckily, the birth was without complication, the Local reports. Giving birth to a big baby is nothing new for Yaghi -- four of Jihad's thirteen siblings were over 11 pounds at birth. That's right, she now has fourteen children, weighs over 500 pounds herself and named her son Jihad.

  幸运的是,the Local报道说没有发生意外。生一个较重的婴儿对Yaghi来说已经不是什么新鲜事,Jihad的13个兄弟姐妹中有4个在刚出生时就超过了11磅。是的,她现在有14个孩子,她自己体重过500镑,而且还给儿子取名为Jihad。

  And, though he now holds the record for biggest baby born in Germany, he certainly isn't the heaviest newborn ever. In 1879, Ann Bates of Canada gave birth to a 23 pound, 12 ounce baby, setting (and holding) the record, ABC reports.

  据报道他是德国最重的新生儿,但很显然他还不是世界上最重的。在1879年,加拿大的Ann Bates生下了一个23磅,即12盎司的婴儿,保持着世界纪录,ABC报道。



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