面霸支招:如何让面试官追着你跑(图)![]() How to Give an Effective Employment Interview ? Instructions 1. Research the company. Commit important details, such as the business' mission and goals, and services it has performed for the community, to memory. Review the history of the business and become familiar with its partners and competitors. 研究一下这个公司。要涉及到细节内容,比如公司任务和目标,还有已经为社会所提供的服务,要牢记。回顾一下公司的历史,而且要对它的合作伙伴和竞争对手都熟悉。 2. Prepare a short biography of yourself using three to five qualities that describe who you are but that are also important to the employer. Memorize the first two sentences of your biography and prepare to lead with this sentence when asked to describe yourself. 准备一份简介,写3到5个特点,既要介绍清楚自己,还要让雇主觉得这些特点对他来说很重要。要记住简介的前两句话,当考官要求你做自我介绍时,用这两句开头。 3. Practice answering difficult questions before the interview. Rehearse answers, but work on fluently delivering the answers so they do not seem forced. Common questions at an interview include those about your strengths, weaknesses and your interest in the company. 在面试前要练习回答难题,演练下答案,但要注意表达流畅,否则会觉得很生硬。一般面试的问题包括一些关于你的优势、弱势和对公司的兴趣。 4. Dress professionally for the interview and be polite. Exude confidence when you first meet the interviewer by firmly shaking his hand and maintaining eye contact. 穿职业装而且要有礼貌。第一次见到面试官的时候要通过坚定的握手和保持眼神交流来表达出自信。 5. Interject thoughts and comments about the business that you discovered from your research when opportunities arise. Ask questions of the interviewer when appropriate. 有机会时,根据自己对公司的研究,要适时地表达自己对公司的想法和建议,适时地提问。 6. Write a thank-you letter to the interviewer after the meeting. Thank the interviewer for his time and express your interest in the job. Mention a couple of positive points that you remember from the interview. 面试结束后,给面试官写一封感谢信。表达一下对面试官付出宝贵时间的感激,顺便表达一下你对应聘工作的兴趣,再提一些面试时所收获到的好的见解。 网友评论