Swearing can provide effective relief from pain - but not if you swear all the time, researchers have found。 A study found releasing the odd expletive helped people cope with discomfort in the short-term but the frequency of swearing played an important role。 Researchers at Keele University's School of Psychology recruited 71 undergraduates who were asked to carry out a cold-water challenge while either repeating a swear word or a non-swear word。 The students put their hand in room temperature water for three minutes to act as a control before plunging it into cold 5C water for as long as they could while repeating their word。 The level of perceived pain together with a change in heart rate were compared while people swore or said their non-swear word。 The group was also asked about how much they swore in daily life and this was analysed together with their level of pain tolerance。 Writing in the Journal of Pain, the authors concluded: “Swearing increased pain tolerance and heart rate compared with not swearing。” “Moreover, the higher the daily swearing frequency, the less was the benefit for pain tolerance when swearing, compared with when not swearing。” Dr Richard Stephens, a senior lecturer in psychology at Keele, said: “Swearing is a very emotive form of language and our findings suggest that using swear words moderation can be an effective and readily available short-term pain reliever。” “However, if you're used to swearing all the time, our research suggests you won't get the same effect。” 据英国《每日邮报》12月1日报道,研究人员发现,偶尔说脏话能有效地减轻痛苦。 一项研究发现说脏话能帮助人们应对短期不适,然而说的频率起着至关重要的作用。 英国基尔大学心理学院的研究人员们招募了71名大学生作为实验对象。大学生们在被要求进行一项冷水挑战的同时,一边反复说脏话或不说。 为了作对比,学生们先将手放入常温的水中3分钟,然后再尽可能长时间的把手放入5摄氏度的冷水中,同时一边重复着自己的语言。 研究人员对比了说脏话的人和没说脏话的人的疼痛感知水平与心率变化。 研究对象还被问及在日常生活中说脏话的频率,这一点也被拿来和个人的疼痛耐受力进行综合分析。 该研究结果发表在了《疼痛期刊》上,研究者总结道:“与没有说脏话的实验对象相比,说脏话成员的疼痛耐受力和心率都有所增加。” “此外,与平常没有说脏话习惯的人相比,日常说脏话的频率越高,在该实验中疼痛耐受力的增幅就越小。” 基尔大学的资深心理学讲师理查德-史蒂芬博士说:“脏话是一种非常情绪化的语言,我们的研究显示了适度地说一些脏话能有效而轻易地缓解短期疼痛。” “然而,我们的研究也显示如果一直出口成‘脏’的话,就不会收到同样缓解疼痛地效果。” 网友评论