1. Don’t take responsibility for your mistakes. Reasonable bosses know that no one is perfect and that mistakes will sometimes happen. What they care about is how you follow up on a mistake. If you make excuses, get defensive, or deny responsibility, your boss won’t trust that you understand why the mistake happened in the first place and what you need to do to prevent it in the future. 对犯下的错不负责任 理性的老板都知道没有人能不犯错。他们关注的是你怎样对待错误。如果你找借口、为自己辩解或者推脱责任,他们就没有理由相信你知道错误的原因和怎样避免再次犯错。 2. Be too sensitive to take feedback calmly. If you routinely get upset, offended, or angry when your boss gives you feedback on your work, you’re making it hard (and painful) for your boss to do her job. Worse yet, she might start avoiding giving you important feedback that you need to hear. 对反馈太敏感 如果你总是对老板给你的工作反馈表示不爽甚至生气,你就是在为难老板。更糟糕的是,他有可能开始不再给你反馈。而事实上,那些反馈对你很重要。 3. Don’t take notes during a discussion of work that you’ll be doing. When you’re having a nuanced discussion of a project, your boss wants to see that you’re capturing the details. 讨论工作的时候不做笔记 当你参与一项工作的详细讨论时,老板希望看到你不放过任何一个细节。 4. Guess instead of finding out an answer for sure. Guessing means that some of the time, you’ll be giving out wrong information. Your boss will be making decisions or taking actions based on the information you provide, so it needs to be right. 猜测而不是寻找确定的答案 猜测意味着你给出的信息可能有误。而老板需要根据你提供的信息做出正确的决策。 5. Don’t disclose your biases. It’s fine to have biases; we all do. But if you hide your agenda or biases from your boss and she eventually finds out, you’ll have destroyed your credibility with her. 掩盖自己的偏见 我们每个人都会有偏见。但是如果你在老板面前掩盖自己的偏见,而最后又被揭穿,你就是自毁信誉。 6. Regularly vent about your frustrations without bringing them to your manager. Everyone vents about their job (or their boss) sometimes. But if you find yourself routinely complaining to other people, it’s time to either talk to your manager or start keeping it to yourself. 经常抱怨却不告诉老板 每个人都会抱怨自己的工作(或者老板)。但是如果你发现自己已经抱怨成习惯,是时候要么向老板反馈,要么闭嘴了。 网友评论