2011年度汉字评选落下帷幕,“控”字当选今年年度汉字,年度词组、年度国际汉字和年度国际词组则分别是是“伤不起”、“债”和“欧债危机”。 The Chinese character "kong" has been chosen as character of the year for 2011. 汉字“控”当选2011中国年度汉字。 More than two million internet users took part in the selection, say the organisers of the state-backed poll. 投票的组织者称,有超过200万网民参与了这次票选。这项投票是由国家支持的。 Kong generally means "control" and replaces 2010's "zhang" which means "price hikes". “控”的主要意思是“控制”。而2010年的年度汉字则是“涨价”的“涨”。 The organisers say the choice symbolises the government's economic policy, which is aimed at keeping inflation under control. 投票组织者称,这一选择反映了今年政府的经济政策,即致力于控制通货膨胀。 The widespread use of "kong" by Chinese people when discussing control of the internet, media and society was not mentioned in the official reports. 而在官方报告中并未提及“控”字在民间更广泛的使用,即对网络、媒体和社会的控制。 The phrase of the year is "shang bu qi" which means "too delicate to bear a blow". According to state news agency Xinhua, this choice reveals the public's sensitivity to personal and social problems. 今年的年度词组是“伤不起”。根据新华社的报道,这一选择反映了公众对个人和社会问题的敏感。 China's growing importance in a globalised world economy was reflected in the choice of "debt" and "euro debt crisis" as the international word and phrase of the year. 今年的年度国际汉字和词组则是“债”和“欧债危机”,这反映了中国在全球化经济中越来越重要的地位。 背景知识: 我国开始最早且评选单位较为权威的年度汉字评选是“汉语盘点”年度关键字词评选。与其他评选不同的是,该项年度汉字评选分别选出代表我国国内与国际的两个汉字。“汉语盘点”年度关键字词评选活动始于2006年,由中国国家语言资源监测与研究中心网络媒体语言分中心、商务印书馆、新浪网主办。 网友评论