白领隐形病:你患上“匆忙症”了吗?有人患拖延症,也有人患匆忙症。廓庵师远《十牛图颂》里有一首小诗:忙忙拨草去追寻,水阔山遥路更深。力尽神疲无处觅,但闻枫树晚蝉吟。太过匆忙,神思恍惚,致使心中之牛找不到行踪,以此告诫人们不要做人生的“匆匆过客”。 Hurry sickness is a malaise where a person feels chronically short of time, and so tends to perform every task faster and to get flustered when encountering any kind of delay。 匆忙症是一种老是感觉时间不够,做每件事都很快,遇到任何耽搁就会心慌的病症。 A major social problem of the 21st Century is Hurry Sickness. We hurry through work by "multi-tasking." We gulp down fast food. We shop at convenience stores. We lament that we haven't enough time. We race through the days and weeks until one day we look back in amazement and comment, "My, how the years flew by." 21世纪的一个重大社会问题就是匆忙症。我们同时承担多项工作任务,狼吞虎咽地吃掉快餐,购物总去便利店,哀叹没有足够的时间。我们一直和时间赛跑,直到有一天我们惊讶地回过头来,感叹:“哎呀,时光飞逝啊。” Here are a few practices we suggest。 我们建议匆忙症患者可以这么做: 1. Do not wear your watch for the day。 不要戴表。 2. Do not drive in the fast lane. Smile and wave at people who pass you。 不要在快车道上行驶。向经过你的人微笑并招手。 3. Listen to music in solitude and do nothing else for 15 minutes。 一个人听音乐,不干其他任何事,这样持续15分钟。 4.Before adding a new activity, subtract an old one。 给自己增加一个新的待办事项前,先减掉一个旧任务。 网友评论