你是不是喝凉水都会胖的孩纸?羡慕那些胡吃海喝、死吃不胖的童鞋吗?现在,你的春天要来了!科学家发现“吃不胖”基因,这种基因可以将体内的“坏脂肪”迅速分解并排出体内。以后,吃肉、吃蛋糕、吃冷饮,就都不怕长胖了! Scientists have discovered a gene mutation, dubbed the 'cream gene' that allows people to rapidly flush out fat from their system. So it would seem some really can have their cake and eat it. 科学家发现了一种基因变异,称之为“奶油基因”。这种基因可以使人体快速排出体内脂肪。所以,也许以后人们真的可以做到死吃不胖了。 The study found that even fat-laden pure cream is quickly broken down by those who possess the gene. 研究发现,拥有这种基因的人,即使是吃完全由脂肪组成的奶油,他们也能将其迅速分解掉。 Researcher studied two families with unusually high HDL cholesterol ('good' fats) and low triglycerides ('bad' fats). Seven members of one family had a mutation in a gene called GALNT2 that allowed them to rapidly clear the bad fats from their system. Only one member of the other family had the same gene. When the participants were given pure cream to drink, it was found that those with the 'cream gene' broke down the bad fats far more efficiently. 研究者对两个不同的家庭进行了分析研究,这两个家庭都有一个共同的特点,那就是他们家庭成员的体内高密度脂蛋白(有益的脂肪)含量很高,而甘油三酯(有害的脂肪)的含量很低。其中,一个家庭里的七名家庭成员都拥有一种变异了的GALNT2基因,这种变异基因可以将人体内的有害脂肪迅速排出。而在另一个研究家庭中,只有一名家庭成员拥有这种变异基因。当实验者被要求食用纯奶油时,研究者发现,拥有“奶油基因”的人能更加有效地分解有害脂肪。 It is believed the GALNT2 gene normally hinders the breakdown of triglycerides but the mutation prevents this happening enabling them to be flushed out of the body more quickly. 通常认为,GALNT2这种基因会阻止体内的甘油三酯分解。但是,这种变异了的GALNT2基因却没有产生这样的结果,反而可以使有害脂肪更快地排出体内。 网友评论