你是对压力又恨又爱的“stress puppy”吗(图)![]() 很多人会觉得有时候压力就像情人一样,没有了她感觉生活没有了激情和动力,但是天天粘着你又觉得心烦意乱,忍不住对她又爱又恨,或许我们都是stress puppy。 Stress puppy is a person who thrives on stress, yet complains about it constantly. 压力小狗指的是因为压力而成长,但是又因承受不了压力终日抱怨,像小狗一样呜呜叫的人。 They are always in a hurry, never have time, have anger explosions for the slightest provocation and are, frankly, just miserable people to live with. 他们总是匆匆忙忙,从来都没有空,轻微的刺激也会触怒他们,说实在的,跟他们生活很悲惨。 People with this type of personality need to be conscious of the fact that the underlying reason why they are always stressed has to do with the way that they manage their lives - stress is not an objective independent entity but something that is perceived in the mind of the person who experiences the stress. If someone suffers from stress not caused by dealing with the impact of a major life-changing event, but rather about the day to day grind of dealing with life, he needs to learn how to cope with stress and manage it. 这种性格的人要意识到他们的紧张感和他们经营生活的方式有关——压力不是一个客观独立的实体,而是人的心理感知。如果压力不是来自重大的生命转折事件,而只是来自日常生活中的例行事务,那么这个人就要学学如何应对压力了。 网友评论