
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年12月27日 17:53   沪江英语
第七名 詹妮弗·琼斯第七名 詹妮弗·琼斯

  No.7 Jennifer Jones

  第七名 詹妮弗·琼斯

  Popularly known with her stage name Jennifer Jones, Phylis Lee Isley was a five-time Academy Award nominated American actress. She won the Oscar for her performance as Bernadette Soubirous in The Song of Bernadette (1943). Her last film was The Towering Inferno released in 1974. She had three marriages and had only one divorce. She survived her two husbands who both died earlier than her, one in 1965 and the other in 1993. She was born in 1919 in Tulsa, Oklahoma to travelling tent show owners. She was a member of the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta. She studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Once she had failed a screen test for Paramount Pictures, which is odd because she went to win an Academy Award in her third starring film and had four further nominations in her career. She has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She retired early as compared to most other people in her profession with such success. She died at the age of 90 in 2009 and was cremated。

  家喻户晓的“詹妮弗·琼斯”其实只是美国女演员菲利斯·李·艾斯利的艺名。艾斯利不仅得过5次奥斯卡提名,还因在《圣女之歌》(1943)中扮演伯纳黛特·索维罗斯一角而荣获奥斯卡奖。她的最后一部影片是1974年上映的《摩天大楼失火记》。艾斯利一生结过三次婚,但离婚却只有一次——有两任丈夫都先她而去(分别在1965年和1993年)。1919年,艾斯利出生在俄克拉荷马州的塔尔萨市,父母都是巡回艺人。她参加过Kappa Alpha Theta妇女联谊会,毕业于美国戏剧学院。在派拉蒙影片公司试镜失败后,艾斯利去了别的公司,此后不仅4次被提名,还获得了奥斯卡奖;对此,派拉蒙影片公司懊悔不迭。在“好莱坞星光大道”上,艾斯利也荣占一席之地。相比其他功成名就的圈内人,艾斯利很早就隐退了。2009年,90高龄的艾斯利告别人世并被火葬。

第八名 詹妮弗·芬妮根第八名 詹妮弗·芬妮根

  No. 8 Jennifer Finnigan

  第八名 詹妮弗·芬妮根

  Jennifer Christina Finnigan is a Canadian actress who found fame in America with her role as Bridget Forrester in the soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful. She won Daytime Emmy Award for it thrice working on the show from 2000 to 2004. This is the role that many actresses have performed over the years, but only she has seen the most success with. It can be said that working on such an acting project as that of The Bold and the Beautiful could lead performers on the show to places and certainly it has helpfully boosted her acting career. She came into the limelight through it and her performance kept her going on since then. She was born in Montreal, Quebec to Jack Finnigan who was a famous radio personality in her native country. She is married to the actor Jonathan Silverman. Recently she has been seen in the sit-com, Better with You. Her future projects are yet unannounced。


第九名 詹妮弗·加纳第九名 詹妮弗·加纳

  No. 9 Jennifer Garner

  第九名 詹妮弗·加纳

  Jennifer Anne Affleck (popularly known as Jennifer Garner) is a vibrant American actress and film producer, whose acting career highlights include her television role as CIA agent Sydney Bristow in the thriller drama series, Alias which ran five seasons on ABC. She received many nominations for her role in this series as well as won a couple of awards too. With this popularity at hand she gained supporting roles in hit movies like Pearl Harbor (2001) and Catch Me If You Can (2002) and lead roles in Daredevil (2003), 13 Going on 30 (2004), Elektra (2005) and Juno (2007). She was born in Houston, Texas on April 17, 1972 and is currently married to Ben Affleck. She comes from a highly conservative family. She wanted to be a classical ballerina as a young child, but instead went on to change her major from chemistry to drama and worked in various theatrical productions. She is a member of the sorority Pi Beta Phi and was initiated in 1994. Her upcoming film is The Odd Life of Timothy Green。

  詹妮弗·安妮·阿弗莱克(即大名鼎鼎的詹妮弗·加纳)是美国颇负盛名的女演员兼电影制片人。她的精彩角色包括惊悚电视连续剧中的中央情报局特工“西德妮?布里斯托”,以及美国广播公司旗下五季电视剧中的“爱丽丝”——因此,她获过不少奖项,还得到几次提名。随之而来的名气为她赢得了大片《珍珠港》(2001)和《致命游戏》(2002)的配角,她也担任过一系列影片中的主角:比如,《超胆侠》(2003)、《女孩梦30》(2004)、《艾丽卡》(2005)和《朱诺》(2007)。1972年4月17日,加纳出生在德克萨斯州的休斯顿,父母相当保守。她的现任丈夫是本?阿弗莱克。小时候,加纳梦想成为一名芭蕾舞演员;但大学却相继主修了化学和戏剧,后来又在各大剧院有所演出。此外,她还参加了Pi Beta Phi妇女联谊会,并在1994年担任会长。加纳的下一部影片将是《蒂莫西的奇异生活》。

第九名 詹妮弗·加纳第九名 詹妮弗·加纳

  No.10 Jennifer Lawrence

  第十名 詹妮弗·劳伦斯

  Jennifer Shrader Lawrence is a recent star in the American cinematic landscape. She also works for television. She came into prominence with her multi-award winning and Oscar nominated role as Ree Dolly in Winter’s Bone (2010) and became the second youngest actress to ever get a nomination for Best Actress in a Leading Role. The critics became her instant appreciators and cinema-goers never forgot her since. She is young, beautiful and most of all amazingly talented. She was born in Louisville, Kentucky on August 15, 1990 and started acting in church plays. She wanted to be an actress since age 14 and her parents found a talent agent to allow her to pursue her interest in acting. She recently starred in X-Men: First Class as Raven Darkhole/Mystique for which she has received multiple nominations again. She will be next seen in The Hunger Games which is due to be released sometime in the coming year。

  詹妮弗·施雷德·劳伦斯是美国电影界的一枚新星。此外,她也涉足电视产业。因在影片《冬天的骨头》(2010)里扮演蕾?多莉而荣获多个奖项以及奥斯卡提名奖——她是荣获“最佳女演员”提名的第二大年轻女主角。就此,评论界对她赞誉有加,观众对她更是青睐不已——她不仅年轻貌美,而且还多才多艺。1990年8月15日,劳伦斯出生在肯塔基州的罗伊斯维尔小城,童年起就在教堂剧院中参加演出。14岁时,她决心成为一名演员。于是她的父母给她报了培训班,支持她对梦想的追逐。近几年,由于在影片《X 战警》中扮演妖后Mystique一角,劳伦斯再度荣获各大奖项提名。此外,她还在明年即将上映的影片《饥饿游戏》中扮演重要角色。

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