2011马上就要过去啦,2012最让你欢乐开心的新闻是什么?那些捧腹大笑之后,是感动,是深思,是铭记。欢乐的2011奇闻趣事大汇总,快乐要和大家一起分享哦~ Fenton! Fentooooon!! 芬顿!芬顿!! The notorious Youtube hound, Fenton, became an internet sensation when he was filmed chasing a herd of deer across Richmond Park while his owner howls in panic. 一只顽劣的猎犬在里奇蒙德公园追逐鹿群,而它的主人跟在后面惊慌失措大叫它名字的视频被拍摄下来,并上传到Youtube上,这只名叫“芬顿”的猎犬一下子就火了起来。 The video starts with the faint cry of the dog’s agitated owner, who repeatedly cries ‘‘Fenton’’ until the screen fills up with stampeding deer being chased by the dog onto a path of traffic. ‘‘Oh, Jesus Christ’’ the well-spoken owner wails. “Oh, Jesus Christ!” He was eventually tracked down and revealed to be Max Findlay, a former journalist, from Wimbledon. 在视频一开始,只传来猎狗主人激动的呼叫声,“芬顿,芬顿……”接着,镜头中出现了惊慌乱窜的鹿群,还有在后面穷追不舍的猎狗,它们一路追逃,一直穿过了公路。“老天爷啊。”猎狗的的主人哭号道,“哦,老天爷啊。”主人的身份最终被确定为麦克斯·芬德利,温布尔顿人,曾是一名记者。 The house that looks like Hitler 长得像希特勒的房子 The elderly owner of an end-of-terrace house in Swansea was left bewildered when hundreds of thousands of twitter users compared his house to Hitler’s face. 许多推特用户把这间房子和希特勒的脸联系起来,这令年迈的房主备受困扰。 The joke became a hit on social networking site Twitter when it was pointed out that the features of the house matched the fringe, moustache and piercing eyes of the dictator. 有人发现这件房子的屋顶、门楣和窗户与独裁者希特勒的发型、小胡子和眉眼非常匹配,这则笑谈在社交网站推特上成为一个热点话题。 Neighbour Lyn Thomas, 25, said: “I don’t know why it would be designed in such a way. It is uncanny.” 房主的邻居,25岁的琳恩·托马斯说道:“不知道为什么房子会设计成这幅摸样。不可思议。” The flash mob proposal 快闪求婚 Adam King made the most of his commute to Watford Junction by proposing to his girlfriend on the 19.57 London Overground service in a seemingly random flash mob. 亚当·金在去往沃特福德的火车上完成了人生中最重要的一次通勤,他用快闪的方式完成了向女友的求婚。 In a video of the event unsuspecting commuters are caught off guard as ‘members of the public’ begin a rendition of Bill Withers' 1977 song “Lovely Day.” 视频中,当亚当合唱团的朋友们唱起比尔·维泽1977年的老歌《美好的一天》时,毫不知情的其他乘客错愕不已。 After popping the question the carriage starts clapping and the singing starts up again. 亚当的女友答应了他的求婚后,车厢中重又响起了歌声和掌声。 颤栗猫
The ‘Thriller’ cat 颤栗猫 A short clip of a cat rearing up its hind legs raised laughs for its resemblance to Michael Jackson's dance routine in his music video to hit 1980s pop song Thriller. 在一段有趣的短片里,一只猫站立走路的样子与迈克尔杰克逊《颤栗》MV中的舞蹈场景非常相似。 The beat boxing vicar 说唱牧师 Reverend Gavin Tyte, vicar of Uplyme Church in Devon, created a three-minute-video of himself rapping the Nativity story using the technique of beatboxing. 德文郡牧师加文·泰特自己录制了一段长约三分钟的视频,视频中他用说唱讲述了耶稣诞生的故事。 The video, entitled ‘The Beatbox Nativity’, features the 40-year-old vicar, who was a professional beatboxer before he ordained seven years ago, posing as a selection of characters from the Nativity. 这位牧师今年四十岁,于七年前受戒,之前他是一位专业的说唱歌手。这段视频的名字叫做“说唱诞生日”,视频中牧师分饰三角,讲述了耶稣诞生的故事。 The dancing Gekos 跳舞的蜥蜴 Like a lizard version of Strictly Come Dancing, a group of geckos from Indonesia get us into the party season by ‘dancing’ for photographer Shikhei Goh. 印尼摄影师高谢客拍摄的这组蜥蜴照片,把我们带入了派对季节,如同蜥蜴版本的舞动奇迹。 The man who proposed as a dancing carrot 求婚大作战之跳舞的胡萝卜 In an elaborate marriage proposal a lovestruck Chinese man and 48 of his friends dress in giant carrot costumes to get his girlfriend to say "yes". 一位痴情的中国男子为了让女友答应自己的求婚可是煞费苦心,这不,他和48个朋友装扮成了胡萝卜。 尴尬照片集
The awkward photo book 尴尬照片集 Here’s one to put under the Christmas tree - AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com compiled a book featuring a range of awkward family pet photos that have been submitted over the years. 把它放在圣诞树下吧——一家网站将过去几年间用户提交的尴尬动物家庭照汇集成了一本照片集。 The scooter-riding dog 玩滑轮车的狗 A 20-month-old Briard named Norman became an internet sensation when his owners filmed him riding a scooter with his front paws on the handlebars and his hind leg pushing himself along. 这只名噪网络的伯瑞犬名叫诺曼,有20个月大,主人拍摄的视频中,他前腿搭在车吧上,后腿蹬地,正玩滑轮车呢。 千万富猫
The cat who inherited 10 million euros 千万富猫 A black cat in Italy inherited 10 million euros (£8.5 million) from his adoptive owner, a widowed heiress who married a property tycoon. 一只意大利的黑猫继承了女主人千万欧元的遗产。主人是一位寡居女性,她的丈夫是一位地产大亨。 The cat is now the proud owner of cash, shares and a property empire which includes flats and houses in Rome and Milan and land in Calabria. 现在,这只猫骄傲的拥有了现金,股票,还有大量物业:包括罗马和米兰的房产,以及卡拉布利亚的土地。 The address of the cat’s new owners is being kept a secret out of fears that the newly-enriched moggy will be besieged by fortune hunters and con men. 猫咪新主人的地址将不会被公开,以防止这只富家猫受到贪财者和骗子的伤害。 网友评论