面试英语:你如何规划自己的职业生涯导读:"您想做到什么职位?",这是一个富有挑战性的问题。要知道,每一个公司都希望自己的员工能够"芝麻开花,节节高",能够挑起更沉的担子。对这个问题的回答,能够反映出您是否富有进取心,是否具备为时代所需要的创新精神,是否能为公司作出更大的贡献。 这一课中,我们就来探讨对这个问题的回答。 Where would you like to be in 5 years? "Where would you like to be in 5 years?" "Where do you see yourself five years from now?" "五年内您想做到什么职位?" 对于面试者来说,这是个很棘手的问题,但它却很受主考官的青睐。因为,主考官想通过您对这个问题的回答,来了解您对未来发展的计划,更重要的是,判断您的计划是否切实可行,是否跟该公司未来的发展计划相一致。 对这个问题,您可以先给出您的目标: "I would like to follow the management career path" "我想沿着管理这条路走下去。" "I would like to try the secretary career track" "我想尝试秘书工作。" 您还可以给自己提出更高的要求,当然,这种要求一定得是您通过努力能够达到的,这一点,您一定要"心中有数": "I'd like to be a senior manager of your company in five years." "我想在五年内成为贵公司的高级经理。" 或者: "Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know what direction I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like to become one of the best engineers in your company." "预测未来当然是不容易的,但我清楚自己的发展方向。我想在五年内成为贵公司最好的工程师之一。" 您还可以说: "I would like to become the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in the long term." "我想成为别人可以依赖的专家。为此,我要作好充分的准备,以便在未来可以担负起更大的责任。" 除了个人的发展外,如果您能向主考官表明您会给公司带来进步的话,更能打动主考官: "In five years I want to be a valuable part of this company and help it to reach its goal. I also want to manage a challenging project and bring in latest technology that will benefit the company." "未来的五年里,我想成为贵公司里有价值的一员,并希望帮助公司实现目标。我还想经营一个富有挑战性的项目,引进最新的技术,给公司带来效益。" 如果您的经验还不够充分,可以在"好学"这方面展示自己,比如您可以向主考官表示在他们公司里,您能学到很多东西,而且,您很愿意在该公司发展自身: "In the next five years, I want to learn new things, gain more experience and increase my value to your company. I want to learn my job well and eventually to achieve a position of higher responsibility within your company." "未来的五年里,我想学到新东西、获得更多的经验,增加我对在贵公司的价值。我想将业务做得很精通,最终能够在贵公司挑起更重的担子。" 您还要给主考官一个感觉:您乐意在该公司长期干下去: "In the next five years, I will not plan on moving or going back to school, I want to stay with this company for many years, and expect I would be very happy with this job." "在未来的五年里,我不打算换工作或回到学校学习,我想在贵公司工作较长的时间,也希望工作得很愉快。" 这样,主考官放心了,因为每个公司都不想让自己辛苦培养出来的熟练员工很快就离开公司,这样可是要浪费公司大量的培训费用的。 重点单词和句型 career 事业、生涯 senior manager 高级经理 predict 预报、预言 expert 专家、行家 valuable 有价值的 goal 目的、目标 latest technology 最新技术 eventually 最后 expect 预期、期待 (来源:北外诺加) 网友评论