股神巴菲特将上中国网络春晚献唱(图)![]() Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will reach out to millions of Chinese in the most curious of ways: singing for the online version of China's annual Spring Festival gala. The Berkshire Hathaway chief executive, best known in China for his investment in automaker BYD Co Ltd, has recorded a video specially for the gala in which he sings and plays the guitar, state news agency Xinhua said, citing Wang Pingjiu, a production executive for the broadcast. "We all know that Buffett is good at investment, but few knew he also did well in singing," Xinhua quoted Wang as telling a news conference. Xinhua said Wang gave no details of the song. Berkshire Hathway was not available for comment on Thursday. The gala will be broadcast on the website of China's Network Television on CNTV.cn on the first day of Chinese New Year, which falls on January 23, Xinhua said, adding that a condensed version will be shown on China Central Television. The broadcast on the eve of Chinese New Year is the most watched program of the year. Millions tune in for the heavily scripted and censored five-hour extravaganza filled with rehearsed comedy skits and armies of dancers. 亿万富翁、投资大亨沃伦•巴菲特将用最特别的方式和数百万中国人接触:在中国一年一度的网络春节联欢晚会上献唱。 巴菲特是美国伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的总裁,他最为中国人所熟知的就是他对比亚迪汽车公司的投资。国家通讯社新华社称,据中国网络春晚的监制王平久透露,巴菲特特别为网络春晚录制了一段视频,在视频中他弹奏吉它并演唱。 新华社在新闻发布会上援引王平久的话说:“我们都知道巴菲特很善于投资,不过很少人知道他歌唱的也不错。” 新华社称,王平久没有透露歌曲的细节,本周四,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司也未予置评。 新华社称,网络春晚将于中国农历新年的第一天,也就是1月23日,在中国网络电视台播出。新华社还说,网络春晚的浓缩精华版将在中国中央电视台播出。 春晚在农历除夕播出,是一年中收视率最高的节目。网络春晚的脚本经过反复修改和审查,都是排演好的小品、相声和歌舞。数百万人将收看这一长达五小时的盛大表演。 网友评论