“福尔摩斯”恢复单身 姐姐爆其择偶标准(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年01月18日 14:12   沪江英语
“夏洛克”恢复单身 姐姐爆其择偶标准“夏洛克”恢复单身 姐姐爆其择偶标准


    You'd think he'd have no problem settling down thanks to his high-flying career and dapper looks. But Benedict Cumberbatch has become single once more after splitting from his girlfriend Anna Jones. And his half sister is adamant he's struggling to find a girlfriend because he is so much like his intellectual character Sherlock Holmes. The 35-year-old actor split of from his girlfriend of 10 years, Olivia Poulet, last year.


  She tells The Sun: 'You would have to be a pretty smart cookie to keep up with him. I think that is possibly why he has trouble with girlfriends. He is such a lot like Sherlock - he is quick-thinking like him, but not harsh. He's incredibly well read. In comparison to some he is quite an intellectual.'


  But despite his new found bachelor status, Tracy insists Benedict is keen to find a loved one to share his life with. She adds: 'One of his regrets is that he hasn't found someone to settle down with.'


  And she already knows the type of girl he needs to look out for: 'I think they would have to be someone not in the acting profession. Someone who was happy to hold the fort while he went off and pursued his career.'




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