“福尔摩斯”恢复单身 姐姐爆其择偶标准(图)![]() 《神探夏洛克》全球热映,主演康伯巴奇想要找个女友成家应该不是件难事,可为何短短半年的时间,这位大热“型男”就遭遇两次分手,姐姐爆料称,因为本尼太聪明,太像夏洛克了! You'd think he'd have no problem settling down thanks to his high-flying career and dapper looks. But Benedict Cumberbatch has become single once more after splitting from his girlfriend Anna Jones. And his half sister is adamant he's struggling to find a girlfriend because he is so much like his intellectual character Sherlock Holmes. The 35-year-old actor split of from his girlfriend of 10 years, Olivia Poulet, last year. 平步青云的事业和干净俊朗的外表,成家对于本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇来说应该不成问题。但是自从去年与相恋10年的女友奥利维亚·普莱分手之后,现年35岁的康伯巴奇又与现任女友安娜·琼斯分手了。康伯巴奇同母异父的姐姐坚称,本尼成家难的原因就在于他太像他所扮演的角色夏洛克·福尔摩斯了,他太聪明了。 She tells The Sun: 'You would have to be a pretty smart cookie to keep up with him. I think that is possibly why he has trouble with girlfriends. He is such a lot like Sherlock - he is quick-thinking like him, but not harsh. He's incredibly well read. In comparison to some he is quite an intellectual.' 姐姐向英国《太阳报》爆料说,“要想和他在一起,你必须要足够聪明才行。我觉得这就是他和女友相处不好的原因。他太像夏洛克了,思维敏捷,博览群书,比一般人都要聪明。不过他没有夏洛克那么严厉。” But despite his new found bachelor status, Tracy insists Benedict is keen to find a loved one to share his life with. She adds: 'One of his regrets is that he hasn't found someone to settle down with.' 尽管康伯巴奇再次恢复了单身的身份,姐姐翠西认为,他还是想要找个人成家的,并说道,“本尼有一个遗憾,就是还没有找到一个能让他安定下来的人。” And she already knows the type of girl he needs to look out for: 'I think they would have to be someone not in the acting profession. Someone who was happy to hold the fort while he went off and pursued his career.' 姐姐也给出了康伯巴奇的择偶标准“我觉得他的女友应该要是圈外人,要愿意在本尼在前方打拼事业的时候坚守大后方。” 网友评论