
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年01月19日 14:15   沪江英语

  娱乐快讯:总是唱着“someone like you”这样伤感情歌的Adele终于又恋爱了。对方是体型上跟她一样富态可爱的英国慈善机构老板Simon Konecki。但是有一些人可不给好不容易重获幸福的阿呆好日子过,新恋情没爆出多久就有传闻说阿呆的新男友还没正式离婚!这简直是人参公鸡,有没有!差点被污蔑当了“小三”的阿呆怎能吃这样的闷亏!声带手术后一直在休养的她坐不住了!要讨回自己以及男朋友的清誉。她在发表申明说:“这是我第一次也是最后一次对我与男朋友Simon的关系发表声明。他早已离婚,4年前就离了!所以关于他还未离婚的报道都是不实的”。阿呆好不容易又找到另一半,大家还是给他们点空间吧!希望阿呆好好休息,在2月举行的格莱美上有好的成绩也有好的表现!

  Adele slammed rumors her beau Simon Konecki is still married to his ex-wife on her blog Jan. 17.

  Outside of her song lyrics, Adele is fiercely private about her personal life. However, the 23-year-old singer took time Jan. 17 to blast the rumors her boyfriend, Simon Konecki, 36, is still married to fashion stylist, Clary Fisher.

  “This is the first and last time I will comment on the details of my relationship with Simon,” Adele wrote. “Contrary to reports and headlines in the press today, Simon is divorced and has been for 4 years. Everyone in our lives separately and together wish us nothing but the best, and vice versa. These are the facts. Take care and see you all in February xx”

  There you have it. Straight from Adele’s mouth to your eyes. Adele is currently resting up following throat surgery, from which she’s expected to make a full recovery.



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