
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年01月20日 11:54   沪江英语
Andrej Pejic Andrej Pejic

  Andrej Pejic


  Serbian Australian model Andrej Pejic is androgynous and famous for his ability to model both male and female clothing. In January 2011's Paris fashion shows he walked both the men's and women's shows for Jean-Paul Gaultier and the men's shows for Marc Jacobs. He has also ranked #18 on the models.com Top 50 Male Models list while simultaneously being ranked #98 in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2011."

  安德烈-佩芝是塞尔维亚裔澳大利亚人,他雌雄莫辩的气质引来无数关注,使他在男模界和女模界都很吃得开。2011年1月的巴黎时装周上,Andrej Pejic为Jean-Paul Gaultier走了男装和女装秀,然后为Marc Jacobs走了男装秀。安德烈还在全球50强男模中排名18,同时,又荣登2011全球100位性感女性第98名的宝座。

Lea TLea T

  Lea T

  Brazilian Lea T. was born Leandro Cerezo in 1981, but that didn't stop her from becoming one of the most famous transsexual fashion models in the industry today. Lea has been called the muse of high fashion design house Givenchy.

  巴西名模Lea T。原名安德罗-施里苏,1981年生,但这并不妨碍她成为现今炙手可热的变性模特。Lea现已成为时尚大牌纪梵希的灵感女神。

Claudia CharriezClaudia Charriez

  Claudia Charriez


  Hard to believe that Claudia Charriez was born a man, right? Her transsexuality has not stopped her from becoming an international model. Charriez was kicked off of America's Next Top Model in 2008, but went on to win the America's Next Top Transsexual Model contest later that year.


Isis KingIsis King

  Isis King


  Born in 1985, American model Isis King gained notoriety when she became the first transgender contestant ever to appear on the modeling reality show America's Next Top Model. King competed on two seasons of the show.

  美国模特伊西斯-金,生于1985年, 因在美国模特真人秀节目《全美超模大赛》中以首位变性人的身份参赛而备受非议。金参加了两季该节目的录制。

Florencia De La VFlorencia De La V

  Florencia De La V


  Argentinian Florencia De La V began life in 1976, but she has since gone on to be one of the most recognizable transgendered actresses in the world. De La V has appeared on soap operas, in magazines, in clubs, and was once the editor of a magazine. She is currently married to a man and the mother to twin babies conceived via surrogate.

  弗洛伦西亚·德拉维于1976年出生于阿根廷,她成为了世界上最著名的变性演员之一,不仅出现在电视剧、杂志 、俱乐部中,她还曾担任过杂志的编辑。现在,德拉维已经嫁为人妻,而且通过代孕成为了一对双胞胎的母亲。

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