双语:最给力的七个新年计划1.Lose weight 计划一:减肥 The fact that this is perennially among the most popular resolutions suggests just how difficult it is to commit to. But you can succeed if you don't expect overnight success. Use a food journal to keep track of what you eat and have a support system in place. Around week four to six...people become excuse mills. That's why it's important to have someone there on a regular basis to get you through those rough times。 减肥是大多数人的终身计划,但实施起来却十分困难。不过,如果你不是希望一夜暴瘦的话,还是有可能成功的。为每天摄入的食物记个食物日记,如果有人在背后支持你的减肥大计那就更好了。减肥进行到第四周到第六周是最艰难的,这就是为什么你需要有人在背后支持你,不断给你鼓励,帮助你度过这个艰难时期。 2.Stay in touch 计划二:常联系 It's good for your health to reconnect with old friends (or family). Research suggests people with strong social ties live longer than those who don't. In fact, a lack of social bonds can damage your health as much as alcohol abuse and smoking, and even more than obesity and lack of exercise, a 2010 study suggests。 联系朋友和家人有助身体健康。研究表明,社交活动广泛的人寿命更长。2010年的一项研究更指出,缺少社交活动的危害和吸烟酗酒一样大,甚至比肥胖和缺少锻炼对人体的危害更大。 3.Save money 计划三:省钱 Save money by making healthy lifestyle changes. Walk or ride your bike to work, or explore carpooling. (That means more money in your pocket and less air pollution。) 通过健康的生活方式来省钱,你可以步行或者骑车去上班,也可以采用拼车的方式(这意味着你口袋里的钱更多了,而制造的空气污染更少了)。 Cut back on gym membership costs by exercising at home. Many fitness programs on videogame systems can also get you sweating。 不要再去办健身馆的会员证了,在家里做运动也一样。有很多健身录像也同样可以帮助你运动流汗。 Take stock of what you have in the fridge and make a grocery list. Aimless supermarket shopping can lead to poor choices for your diet and wallet。 估量下冰箱里还有多少存货,列张购物清单。在超市里漫无目的地消费对你的健康和钱包都没有好处。 4.Cut your stress 计划四:减少压力 A little pressure now and again won't kill us; in fact, short bouts of stress give us an energy boost. But if stress is chronic, it can increase your risk of—or worsen—insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease, and more。 时不时地有些压力不会造成什么大的危害,短期的压力反而会成为我们前进的动力。但是,长期压力就会影响身体健康了,甚至会造成失眠、抑郁、肥胖、心脏病等疾病。 Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress. Stress is an inevitable part of life. Relaxation, sleep, socializing, and taking vacations are all things we tell ourselves we deserve but don't allow ourselves to have。 长时间工作、睡眠不足、缺乏运动、饮食不合理、与家人和朋友的无交流都会造成压力。压力是我们生活中不可避免的一部分。放松、睡觉、社交、度假这些事都是我们经常告诉自己要去做却往往不让自己去做的事情。 5.Get more sleep 计划五:多睡觉 You probably already know that a good night's rest can do wonders for your mood—and appearance. But sleep is more beneficial to your health than you might realize。 一夜好眠对心情和外形的神奇功用你应该早就知道了吧,不过,睡觉的力量可不止于此哦。 A lack of sleep has been linked to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. And sleep is crucial for strengthening memories。 睡眠不足与肥胖症和II型糖尿病有很大关系。而且睡眠对于增强记忆力具有重要作用。 So take a nap—and don't feel guilty about it。 所以,没事就打个小盹儿吧,不用觉得内疚哦。 6.Travel 计划六:旅游 The joys and rewards of vacations can last long after the suitcase is put away. But traveling allows us to tap into life as an adventure, and we can make changes in our lives without having to do anything too bold or dramatic。 旅游带来的乐趣和激励并不会随着假期的结束而戛然而止。我们可以把旅游当做我们平凡生活的一次冒险。在旅游中,我们并不需要做出多么惊天动地的事情,就可以改变原本的生活。 It makes you feel rejuvenated and replenished. It gets you out of your typical scenery, and the effects are revitalizing. It's another form of new discovery and learning, and great for the body and the soul。 旅游可以使你恢复活力,充满动力。它可以改变你已经看惯了的景色,让你犹如新生。旅游也是另一种形式的发现自我和学习新知的方式,无论是对身体还是对心灵都有好处。 7.Go back to school 计划七:重返学堂 No matter how old you are, heading back to the classroom can help revamp your career, introduce you to new friends, and even boost your brainpower。 无论你的年纪有多大,重返课堂都会提升你的事业,使你交到更多朋友,也可以使你思维更开阔。 A 2007 study found that middle-age adults who had gone back to school sometime had stronger memories and verbal skills than those who did not. What's more, several studies have linked higher educational attainment to a decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease。 2007年的一项研究表明,中年人时不时地去学校上上课可以增强记忆力和沟通能力。更重要的是,学习可以使人有更高的受教育水平,同时也能减少患老年痴呆症的风险。 网友评论