恶搞:暮光狼人泰勒“出柜”成同性恋(图)“出柜”假消息流传“狼人”Taylor Lautner很无奈
娱乐快讯:近日twitter上盛传《暮光之城》中的铁血柔情的真男儿“狼人”Taylor Lautner公开出柜的消息。一张Taylor Lautner的《人物》杂志封面更是煞有介事的写着“我出柜我骄傲”(“OUT & PROUD”)。这则消息一出,网上便开始疯传,无数少女为此伤透了心。好在,Taylor在接受《GQ》杂志的专访时就此事做了澄清,他无奈的表示自己绝对是个直男。网上这张《人物》周刊的封面也是一张假图。 Taylor Lautner is victim of gay magazine cover hoax.A fake People magazine cover — and a terribly Photoshopped one at that — claimed to feature an exclusive interview with the Breaking Dawn star, in which he admitted to the world that he is gay. As you might expect, the fake cover made its way through the Twitterverse in no time. “Tired of rumors, the Twilight star opens up about his decision to finally come out,” the cover reads, beneath a super-tacky “OUT & PROUD” headline. The cover even included the following “quote” from Taylor: “I’m more liberated, and happier than I’ve ever been.” Taylor previously addressed gay rumors in an interview with GQ Australia, simply stating: “I’m straight.” Though it’s not yet known who created the original image, it’s pretty safe to say that he or she is a terrible human being. 网友评论