Band-Aids 创口贴 Paper cuts and occasional blisters are inevitable, so it's important to stash a box of Band-Aids in your desk to cover your bases. Keep a tube of Neosporin handy, too, to prevent infection。 在办公室里,被纸片划一道口子,或者偶尔出个小水泡都是不可避免的。因此,在办公桌上准备一盒创口贴是很有必要的。还可以备一支随身装的软膏以防感染。 Cold Fighters 常用药 Cough drops, Aspirin — have them all handy in case of a health crisis. Plus, if you tend to regularly suffer from a certain symptom — as in, say, a sore throat or headache — be sure to stock up on the appropriate medicine to take care of the issue as soon as it starts。 止咳药、阿司匹林这些常用药品要准备好以备生个小毛小病。另外,如果你经常得一些小病,比如嗓子痛、头疼等,你就需要对症下药多备一些此类药品,把疾病扼杀在萌芽阶段。 Drizzle Defense 雨具 Keep a travel-size umbrella at your office in case the weather changes unexpectedly. Even better? Store a pair of rain boots, too, so that you're never caught sloshing through puddles in your favorite pumps。 在办公室里准备一把旅行用的雨伞,以防天气突变。更好的办法是,你还可以备一双雨靴,这样你的爱鞋就不会被四处乱溅的泥泞给弄脏了。 Eco-Friendly Refills 环保水瓶 Steer clear of plastic bottles to save money —and the environment. Instead, invest in an aluminum water bottle for your 9 to 5 refills。 别再用塑料杯了,这样做既省钱又保护环境。上班时间就准备一个铝制的水瓶来喝水。 Hand Sanitizer 洗手液 Stay healthy by regularly cleaning your hands with sanitizer, preferably a brand with moisturizing ingredients so that you can avoid the standard drying effect。 经常用洗手液洗手有利于身体健康。选择洗手液的时候,最好是含有保湿成分的,这样就能避免手部干燥的问题了。 Key Cleaner 键盘清洁剂 Even if you're religious about washing your hands, you still need to disinfect your keyboard regularly. Keep a sanitizing spray on your desk and spritz at the end of each day。 即使你洗手很勤快,你也要定期给你的键盘消消毒。在桌上放一支清洁喷雾,在每天工作结束后喷一喷,能起到很好的效果。 Power Snacks 补充能量的零食 Avoid the 3 o'clock slump with a balanced mix of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Trail mix, dried fruit, and nut butter packets are some of the best drawer-safe energy boosters。 为了避免下午三点的精神不振,你需要补充均衡的能量,包括蛋白质、碳水化合物和有益的脂肪。什锦果仁、水果干和小包装的坚果酱都是抽屉里必备的补充能量的零食。 Smile Savers 口腔清洁用具 Bad breath is embarrassing, and you definitely don't want your boss to point out the spinach in your teeth. It's a good idea to have floss, mints, and throwaway toothbrushes at the ready so you can prep your pearly whites pre-meeting。 口腔有异味是令人很尴尬的一件事,况且你也不想被你的老板指出你的牙齿缝里还留有一根菠菜吧。因此,在办公室里准备好牙线、薄荷水、一次性的牙刷,这样你就可以展现你洁白的牙齿了。 网友评论