职场支招:HR教你如何投诉上司(图)![]() Transcript HRO:Good morning Mr Johnson, how can I help you? Mr J:Well, I’d like to talk to you about Tim Bond, the department manager。 HRO:What seems to be the problem? Mr J:Well… ever since Sandra left the department, I feel like I’ve been targeted to do all her work, as well as mine. Tim has made me work overtime; I’m expected to attend too many meetings and I seem to be spending a lot of my time doing unnecessary paperwork。 (投诉一:上司给我太多活了!我在上班时间做不完,只好无偿加班干活!) HRO:I’m sorry to hear that…。 Mr J:And… on top of that, I’d specifically asked if I could leave early last Friday, as I’d done a lot of overtime during the week. But we had a deadline on Friday afternoon and even though I’d finished my specific work I was expected to help other colleagues finish their work too。 HRO:But surely that is a positive sign showing that Mr Bond has a lot of trust in you, in getting you to help other colleagues。 Mr J:Yes, but I feel like I’m being singled out! Other colleagues get to leave early, and they don’t have such a lot of work to do。 (投诉二:上司总给我安排不合理的任务,提出不合理的要求。) HRO:So you feel he’s been making unrealistic demands on you? Mr J:Yes, absolutely。 HRO:Do you think it’s because Mr Bond is unaware of what you're doing? Mr J:Well, he never seems to ask us to do a job. He just delegates, and that’s another thing, he never listens! (投诉三:上司从不顾我的感受,他/她只会给我安排工作,从不听我的想法!) HRO:Right. Have you approached Mr Bond about this particular problem? Mr J:I’ve tried to approach him, but whenever I go to his office he is either in meetings, or he is never there. It seems like he just has no time for us。 (投诉四:我根本没时间找上司讨论任何问题,他/她总是很忙。) HRO:Well at this stage it would be better if you approached him directly. If nothing else, showing that you’ve tried to solve the problem yourself, before you take it further, makes it clear that you’re not just a complainer and can boost your credibility. Why don’t you send an email requesting a meeting with him in private? (小编注:HR建议,解决和上司之间的矛盾的第一步就是沟通!你可以先写一封邮件给你的上司,要求和他/她私下面谈。这样既显得有礼貌有诚意,也顾及到了上司的面子。) Mr J:Hmmm, I’d be a bit worried about his reaction. I wouldn’t know what to say! HRO:Well firstly, you’ll need to plan what you are going to talk about before going ahead with a meeting. You can always take notes to which you can refer. This shows that you have considered what you need to discuss。 (小编注:HR教你如何投诉你的上司。最直接的办法就是和上司面谈,面谈之前,你就要计划好见到上司后,你要说什么,怎么说。你可以事先写好备注,这样也等于为自己理清思路,到底要和上司说些什么。) Mr J:OK。 HRO:This is obviously a delicate situation, so be very careful not to criticise as this could bring on a defensive reaction. You need to be diplomatic when you speak to him. If, after you have spoken to him in a rational way, you still find he is being unreasonable, come and speak to us and we can arrange a meeting between the three of us. But do remember you need to have evidence for us to be able to take further action。 (小编注:直接投诉上司是种很微妙的处境。处理得好,会让上司对你刮目相看,处理不好,你和上司的梁子就结大了,以后你就要更加战战兢兢地过日子。所以,在投诉上司时,一定记住:不要去批评上司哪里做错了,要就事论事,客观公正地和上司讨论现在面临的问题。上司永远是上司,他/她可以做错,但你不可以说错!如果你很理性地和上司面谈之后,你的状况还是没有改变的话,那你就需要去找人事部门,安排第三方在场的会谈。第三方介入的会谈的关键在于,你要用证据说话!口说无凭,有了证据,公司其他部门才能采取进一步行动,以保障你的利益。) Mr J:OK, I’ll send him an email now to request a meeting, and we’ll see what happens from there. Thanks for your advice。 HRO:Good luck and let us know the outcome。 网友评论