
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年02月06日 14:49   沪江英语

  Beaming for the camera with his arms wrapped around UK's Prime Minister, you might think the man with David Cameron was one of his friends。


  In fact, Dean Wallis, a 33-year-old plasterer, had never met Cameron before, and had just asked for a photograph after spotting him dining in a restaurant。


  Recalling the encounter, Wallis said, "He was wearing a polo shirt and was with five or six people. I approached him and said hello. He shook my hand and I asked if it was OK to have a photo with him. He said he was just having his dinner at the moment. I said, 'I'll leave you to it.' He was very polite about it."


  Wallis thought his chance had passed but later he was called over to see Cameron, who said, "Sorry about earlier. Would you and your girlfriend like to take a picture?" Therefore, the three of them took a picture then。


  "He was sitting down and it was difficult to get to his height so I ended up leaning over and putting my arms around him," said Wallis while recalling。


  Wallis was so proud of the result. He has a copy in his living room and his mother has another in a silver frame。




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