
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年02月09日 15:50   沪江英语

  娱乐快讯:以“哈利-波特”形象广为影迷熟知的丹尼尔-雷德克里夫最近在为新片《黑衣女人》各地宣传。现在已经22岁的他似乎有点想摆脱“乖乖仔”的形象,讲话的尺度越来越宽……近日,他在接受英国《每日镜报》采访时大谈自己的感情观,更是大胆自曝曾与影迷发生过“一夜情”!他说自己更偏向熟悉后才有亲密举动,如果是自己的粉丝,那么发生亲密行为会有点尴尬……'You know, you’re going to have to talk to them afterwards, even if it is a one-night stand.'“你知道,在亲密过后总要谈谈吧,即使是‘一夜情’”,'I have... I mean, that has happened, but generally speaking I’ve known the person. Apart from a few times when I was drinking.'“我是跟影迷发生过一夜情,但总的来说,我还算认识她们。除了有几次我喝醉了……”


  Daniel, 22, said he is nervous of sleeping with admirers because of the insipid pillow talk that usually follows afterwards。

  During an interview with the Daily Mirror, he revealed he prefers to know someone before hopping under the covers with them。

  He said: 'I was always very nervous about the groupie thing. I like to like somebody before I sleep with them.'

  'You know, you’re going to have to talk to them afterwards, even if it is a one-night stand.'

  'I have... I mean, that has happened, but generally speaking I’ve known the person. Apart from a few times when I was drinking.'

  However, in the next breath, the boy wizard was gushing about Rosie, bemoaning the fact he has to promote his new film The Woman in Black across the Atlantic, meaning he'll miss Valentine's Day in the UK。

  He said: 'I haven’t seen her for weeks and I won’t be back for Valentine’s. I’ll be home a few days later, though, so I’ll have to make up for lost time.'

  'I’ve got three weeks off so we can be together – although I do plan to watch quite a bit of sport on TV.'

  Daniel's praise for his girlfriend goes hand-in-hand with his modesty, claiming he is 'not an easy person to love' and frequently quite 'useless'。

  Radcliffe currently takes centre stage in thriller The Woman In Black, based on Susan Hill's novel of the same name and he will be at a special matinee screening on Saturday 11th February at 3pm at Empire Leicester Square。

  The film follows a young widower and lawyer in 19th century London who is sent to a remote Yorkshire village to sort through a dead woman’s papers。



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