With Valentine's Day just around the corner love is well and truly in the air. And it would seem it's not just humans who have come across all doe-eyed and sentimental。 情人节来了,就连空气里都充满了爱情的味道。不是只有人类才知道什么叫爱情的,可爱的各种动物们也会含情脉脉,眉目传情的。 Snout to snout: These piglets get up close and personal as Valentine's Day approaches。 鼻碰鼻:这两只可爱的小猪仔凑在一起,甜甜蜜蜜地庆祝情人节。 两只天鹅心相印
Heart to heart: Two swans form the international symbol of love as they move in for some affection (left) while these Cormorants indulge in a ritual mating dance at their nesting site。 心相印:这两只天鹅所组成的形状,地球人都知道了(左图)。而这对鸬鹚正沉浸在甜蜜的双人舞中不可自拔(右图)。 两头河马浪漫一吻
Give us a kiss: Two hippos move in for a smooch as they court in a mating ritual 啵一记:两头河马互相靠近,只为那浪漫一吻。 两头长颈鹿“耍流氓”
Wild thing: Two giraffes show their affectionate side as they nuzzle their faces close together。 耍流氓:两头长颈鹿大庭广众之下“耍流氓”,互相舔舐着对方以示亲昵。 水螈水下之恋
Underwater love: Not even newts are immune to the intoxicating effects of amore。 也挡不住爱情的魔力啊。 一对帝企鹅缠绵相拥
Snuggling: A mating pair of King penguins caress (left) while two lovebirds cuddle up perched on a branch (right) 相拥相偎:一对帝企鹅缠绵相拥(左图)。两只小鹦鹉相偎在一起说着情话(右图)。 两只地松鼠旁若无人地玩“亲亲”
You nose I love you: Cape ground squirrels 'kiss'。 宝贝,亲亲:两只地松鼠旁若无人地玩“亲亲”。 两只海狮在水中相吻
Coming up for air: Two sea lions cool off in the water as they nuzzle。 爱如空气:两只海狮在水中相吻。 网友评论