双语:细数海外野鸡大学十大特征1、They lack accreditation by a nationally recognized accrediting agency. Some institutions base their assertions of academic legitimacy on claims of affiliation with respected organizations (such as UNESCO) that are not engaged in school accreditation。 未受国家认可的高校鉴定机构认证。某些野鸡大学声称它们是由诸如联合国教科文组织这样威望很高的组织认证的,但其实这些组织跟学校的认证没有半毛钱关系。 2、No teaching facilities — the address is a postal box or suite numbers。 没有校园——它们的地址是邮箱编号或房间号。 3、Name of institution is deceptively similar to well known reputable universities。 野鸡大学的名字往往跟某些知名大学很接近,以混淆视听。 4、Degrees can be obtained within a few days, weeks or months from the time of enrollment。 几个月、几周甚至几天之内就能拿到学位。 5、Either there are no faculty members or they hold advanced degrees from the institution itself or from other diploma mills。 没有师资,或者教师们同样是从野鸡大学毕业的。 6、Academic credit is offered for "life experience," and this is featured heavily in the selling points of the institution。 根据学生“人生经历”颁发学位——这甚至是它们的卖点。 7、Tuition and fees are charged on a per-degree basis rather than on a per-term or per-course basis。 根据学位来收学费,而不是根据学期或课程。 8、Doctoral theses and dissertations are not available from University Microfilms International or a national repository or even the institution's own library, if it has one。 无法在国际或国内的论文库里查询到该校学生的博士学位论文,甚至在它自己的图书管里也查不到——如果它有图书馆的话。 9、Promotional literature contains grammatical and spelling errors, words in Latin, extravagant or pretentious language, and sample diplomas. The school's website looks amateurish or unprofessionally made。 宣传材料里有语法错误或错别字,喜欢用拉丁文,语言华而不实,还喜欢展示学位证书的样本。学校的网站看起来很山寨。 10、The school is advertised using e-mail spam (unsolicited electronic mail) or other questionable methods。 通过垃圾邮件或其他不靠谱的手段进行宣传。 网友评论